to the so called Aethiest, jews and other non believers forgive me for quoting scripture, but there is a similarity in this story told by Jesus and the story of pan (and the arts in general) no one knows and will ever know how many "vincent Van gough's" may have passed through our time,as the pan forges ahead, we see the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, many of us have heard the Len "boogsie" Sharpe/ Phase II story how the reluctant Ray Hollman did not want to give him a chance to arrange, and how 6 people walked out Starlift to form Phase II and now today we are looking at the most consistand pan arranger in panorama, from 1973 to now (37 years) has been left out of the finals just 5 times (ie has been in32 panorama finals out of 37) having been placed last only on one occaision, placed lower than 5th place only once, 6 panoramas championships etc , and we can go on and on about boogsie alone,however behind all success stories are faliures.
this is the time I remember the parable about the sower and the seed, " a sower went out to sow his seeds, and some fell on stony ground and were not able to take root due to the hardness of the soil, and some fell by the way side and were blown away by the wind and trampled upon by passers by and died, and some fell amongst thorns and were stiffled and choked as they tried to grow, and some fell on good soil. pan has been there and a lot of good pan people did not fall on good soil,if you know of seeds that fell on bad soil and you see some that can still grow pick them up, the movers and shakers of pan, need to start pulling up the weeds in the fields so the good seeds can grow, we need to be carefull where we place the seeds, stop throwing seeds on stony ground.
One more story any body know of a pan player called Andy Goddard (he is a relative of the late George Goddard) he used to play for Maritime Life Hatters he was a phenomimal player he did something that I have'nt seen any body do, he put his hand behind his back and played the entire verse of the lord Kitchener"s " republic dance not a few lines like Ian "plucky Babb played a few notes of "the barber of seville" in "pan is beautifull 1" in 1980 but the whgole verse, Steve Achiaba was warded in the hospital and he heard the band practicing a song Andy was arranging got out his hospital bed andchecked himself out and aborted the song, after panorama andy left for Europe and we haven't heard about him since, he is one that fell on stony ground and was blown away to the wayside, and there are many others