This song has been associated with All Stars for years, by Phase ll playing it show that they are coming to let people know they have a "Woman On The Bass" too, This should be very interesting because we know pan people are going to compare the two arrangements. I find that when an arranger do this they put additional stress on themselves but then again it's the nature of the T&T steelband, to compeat. May the best steelband win.
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What do you all have to say about a band performing the same tune they did earlier this year. Is this fair to the arrangers that arrange new tunes?
It is difficult for pan enthusiast to ignore the stir Boogsie is causing by his tune of choice, all eyes are focus on him going into this competition and he seem to enjoy the attention.
Bede: PANORAMA is an INTERPRETATION OF CALYPSO. So ah making sure allyuh appreciate the C-A-L-Y-P-S-O before allyuh hear the I-N-T-E-R-P-R-E-T-A-T-I-O-N.
Let the excitement begin, anyone know what XO is playing.
My sources said that they think Exodus playing "Puna Band",
Boogsie Excels with attention, the same way he arrange his music "with attention"
Woman on the Bass, this is the team to beat for the IPC, Boogsie and Phase 2, What would be very interesting is, I cannot see this tune playing very fast, Can Boogsie do like when Bradley won with "High Mas" with that Tempo? If so then, Andy could win this Competition if he was taking part.
Smooth did not do it very fast either.
And saying that Andy could win it if it were not for the speed is a big jump from here to there.
I don't think Andy did not win before because the band played too slowly, so speed might have little to do with it.
Boogsie is taking a big risk doing someone else's music, but the man likes a challenge and maybe there is something in there about competing directly with Smooth.
Pretty certain that Calypsociation will be doing one of Andy's tunes, with or without him present, which he is certain to be unless...
It's going to be very interesting. Let's hope it comes off well for the sake of pan and PT.
Smooth did not do it very fast either?