Caribarena Antigua
St. John’s, Antigua, W.I. - The Antigua and Barbuda Pan Association (ABPA) has said that it had no part in the revised decision that placed both LIME Hell’s Gate Steel Orchestra [HGSO] and Hadeed Group of Company’s AMP Halcyon in first place for the ACB 2011 Panorama Competition.
But despite this LIME HGSO, which was initially declared the winner last summer, said it was not backing down from the challenge, since it views the decision to name Halcyon as a co-winner as politically motivated. This is according to HGSO spokesman Stafford Joseph.
In a correspondence dated May 29, in response to an ultimatum given to the ABPA by LIME HGSO, the ABPA said it had opted out of any decision, discussion or consultation pertaining to the results of judging as it regarded the ACB 2011 Panorama. The association maintained that it had turned over the decision making process to the Carnival Development Committee (CDC) and the judges’ committee.
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2012 National Panorama – Thursday 02nd August
LIME Hells Gate Steel Orchestra the 2011 ACB National Panorama Champions, will participate in the 2012 National Panorama on Thursday 02nd August.
Rehearsals are already in progress. Tell Lou to tell Paul, to tell Saul, to tell ALL to join us at the Panyard.
“Each One; Teach One” “Awake the Youth”
2012 National Panorama Rules and Regulations: (selected sections)
7. Adjudication
a) A panel of seven judges will be selected to adjudicate the competition; two judges shall serve as alternates, to substitute for one or more of the other 5 judges, if it is necessary. This determination is to be done by the chairman of judges for the A.C.D.C.
b) The highest and lowest points awarded to a band by a member of the judges’ panel will be excluded and the final score will be the aggregate (total) points of the other judges.
c) In event that 2 or more judges award the same score to a band at the highest and/ or lowest level, only one of these scores will be eliminated at each of the levels.
d) The decision of the judges shall be final and binding and the A.B.P.A. Executive Committee will entertain no protest with regards to the final results.
e) Each judge shall score each band on individual sheets.
f) The A.C.D.C shall present the ABPA with copies of the scored results for each band that competed, no later than 2 days after the competition. The signature of each adjudicator must be endorsed on each of the score sheets.
g) In the event the ABPA, subsequent to concerted efforts made, to satisfy the provisions of subsections (a), (b) and (c) as established, fails to satisfy the provisions of subsections (a), (b) and (c) of rule 7, the ABPA shall notify the Member Bands of the situation. Should the Executive Council, subsequent to consultation with the Member Bands, agree to entertain a panel of three (3) Adjudicators for the competition, in which the ABPA is involved with, then it is hereby agreed that the Merit / Ranking System of judging, shall apply.
h) The ABPA shall first seek to source all the adjudicators for the National Panorama from amongst the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda. This will be done through transparency. In the event this is not possible, we advise the A.C.D.C. to source outside adjudicators (who adjudicate at the National Panorama level in their country of residence) via Pan Trinbago. The A.C.D.C. is to furnish the ABPA, the name and portfolio of each adjudicator.
8. Judging Criteria
Each steel band will be marked out of 100 points. Points will be awarded as follows:
Arrangement – 40
General Performance - 40
Tone – 10
Rhythm - 10
9. Procedure
All bands are required to observe the under- mentioned procedures that will be adopted in respect of the commencement and conclusion of their performance at the completion.
a) The entire orchestra, which is next in line to perform, must be in place in the specified area designated by the management committee while the preceding band is performing. Bands which are not in the specified area will be penalized by the deduction of 5 points from the total awarded by the judges.
b) Each band will have a maximum of 30 minutes in which to set up, to perform and to clear the stage.
c) The performance piece must be no longer than 8 minutes.
10. Conduct
a) The leaders and officials of each band shall be held accountable for the behavior, conduct and general behavior of their band members.
b) The leaders and officials of each band shall be responsible for having their band members and instruments in positions as selected by ballot, no later than 15 minutes before the band’s performance.
c) Each band must appear in order which they drew by ballot. Any band that fails to observe this rule, without good and sufficient reasons satisfactory to ABPA, shall be dealt with, in accordance with Rule 15 below.
d) If any band should fail to appear in the position in which it was due to appear as selected by ballot (whatever the reason), the next steel band in sequence as selected by ballot, must perform when instructed to do so by the A.B.P.A or its duly authorized representative.
12. Band Size
110 players maximum / 50 players minimum
13. Arrangers
Must be a citizen of Antiguan and Barbuda and the arranger(s) name(s) must be registered.
15. Disciplinary Procedures and Penalties
In the event that a member band is accused of breaching any of the above rules and regulation as set forth herein, the ABPA shall first notify the member Band in writing of its concerns and what is been contemplated.
Should the investigation prove the involved Member Band guilty of the alleged misconduct, the ABPA shall institute disciplinary action against the involved member Band ranging from imposition of fines, temporary suspension of membership or rescission of awards(s). The ABPA shall in writing, notify the involved Member band of its decision taken. The ABPA shall ensure that due process is applied during each hearing conducted.
Panorama dispute headed for court.docx
Prime Minister to meet with Hells Gate Steel Orchestra.docx
PM Upholds Namba.docx