In recognition of the outstanding contribution to the development of the steelpan movement in Antigua and Barbuda, the Antigua & Barbuda Festivals Commission and the Antigua & Barbuda Pan Association have tagged the 2017 edition of the National Panorama Competition as the ACB – George “Nugget” Joseph Panorama Competition.

Joseph, currently 102 years old, is considered by many as the patriarch of the Antigua and Barbuda steel pan movement.

“Nugget”, as he is popularly known and referred to, is a pioneer of the steel pan movement of Antigua and Barbuda, a founding member of the Hells Gate Steel Orchestra and a treble pan player, the Antigua government said in a statement. 

It said “Nugget” served as the secretary and treasurer of the Hells Gate Steel Band from its inception in 1945 until 1958. He was the band’s captain from 1948 to 1958.

In addition to his functions as captain and secretary / treasurer, the government said “Nugget” “took on the responsibility of addressing all negative press that the pan movement faced during the early years. 

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