Aquil: I love you like a brother. More than I love Cecil and Bugs. But C'mmon Man, you can't just use the forum to present the CIP AGENDA. Yuh from South!!! Post ah SOUTH BAND VIDEO or something. Post your favourite CALYPSO or something. Post a steelband playing a tune or something.
Aquil: Let me tell you a secret. Guess who is the LEAST LOVING PAN AFICIONADO on this forum?
Yuh is ah BIG LEADER in the CIP -- send some CIP MEN to post some topics, nah. Ah sure yuh think that I am the biggest PAN LOVER in the world. Take a timeout and go and dig up the HISTORICAL RECORD. Yet, I do have hope for the MUSIC so I keep the OLE TALK going. And in my heart I am hoping to ONE DAY hear a piece of PAN MUSIC that I like and has GLOBAL POTENTIAL.
But I will always challenge the WORLD'S GREATEST PAN LOVERS to come on the FORUM and keep the fire burning.
I am a little distressed tonight. Because the ONE NIGHT Trinidad was supposed to get some GLOBAL EXPOSURE (including PAN) -- the MUSLIM TING come and WIPE WE OUT. Like we BLIGHT OR WHAT?
Anyway, send some of your FOOT SOLDIERS to put up some posts and keep the FORUM ALIVE!!!
Labour, in today's reality by Andy Johnson, Trinidad Express, today's edition, Pg. 12;
Cecil say he have the SCOOP on how the ISF planning to take over PAN TRINBAGO but the man doh want to share the sources with NOBODY at all. Ah thought we was all working together to get a STRONGER PAN TRINBAGO.
I am a little hopeful because they broke some new ground in hiring CONSULTANTS -- instead of the AFRICAN TING they added Martin Daly and Hollick Rajkumar and Dennis Ramdeen -- making it a 50-50 committee.
Anthony Bourdain spend ah few weeks down there and see through the whole facade like ah eagle in the sky!!! He done getting cuss for that!!!
I hear ah talk today that the Big 5 will be Pan Trinbago replacement.that's what people in the Mecca are saying. Ah just tellin allyuh what ah hear so doh call my name in no commess.
CH, it will be MORE OF THE SAME...
JJJ, It will not be more of the same, anyone running a pan movement in the Mecca will have to deal with the court of public opinion, why yuh think things are the way they are? it was constant badgering in the forum that made them order the audit, It's not business as usual anymore.
CH, wanna bet ??? and what court of public opinion, the public is just talk and more talk, and besides, talking never get anything done, doing does...
Cecil: Yuh just remind me. I eh badger KEITH DIAZ for about AH MONTH. And after the WARRIORS beat up LEBRON -- BUGS, the BIGGEST BADGERER on the FORUM, disappear and he STOP BADGERING.
Once JJJ see DOCTOR COPELAND NAME the man does go into ah PANIC!!!
mi amigo, I ain't panicking, he's the one who panics when he hears my name, nor am I afraid, I just want his head on a plate, he did the same with "Techno Pan in 2004, in 2005 the G-pan, and later the E-Tech issue, where he Mc Nicols and Fitzwilliams et al embezzle / fleece the proceeds, anything this individual is involved in is total "LARCENY, you thought Diaz and Anim Smith was something, watch what he's about to do ....,
JJJ: Is it true that Anim Smith stole FOUR MILLION DOLLARS from PAN TRINBAGO? Let me rephrase the question: Is it true that Anim Smith amassed a fortune of FOUR MILLION DOLLARS while serving as PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO?
No mi amigo, it was more like $10 million and still counting, $4 was what they wanted you all to know, I've got an inside audit track on all these crooks, but I will never ever disclose my resources......