Aquil Arrindell sent death threats for Mr. Diaz on social.
by Aquil Arrindell
Just not to make the same mistake Mr. Diaz made when he allegedly brought cars into the country illegally, with Pan Trinbago’s money and never denied that it was so. I want to publicly reject and deny Mr. Diaz’ claims that I have been sending death threats to him.
I would not discuss what happened at the AGM on Sunday the 29th of Oct. on any public forum other than what has already been discussed in the newspapers. However, I am now being labelled as the killer in the pan movement. Because of the President’s reckless utterances, I am compelled to defend my good name. The president read into the minutes of Pan Trinbago’s A.G.M. that I threatened his life via social media (FB). Now I don’t mind the name calling (killer), but apparently some people went away thinking that I might be some kind of bad boy who will ‘out somebody light’ if we disagree. I understand that we all cannot agree all the time and we move productively forward most of the time because of this. Different perspectives on the same matter are important. We get a broader picture of the problem and can have multiple solutions. That’s why a wide demographic of people on an executive is important. Mr. Diaz, you and I are disagreeing on an issue and not our personalities.
Mr. Diaz, you treated me well when I was an executive officer so for that I am still grateful. But not because you treated me well would I allow you to treat my players, and by extension all the other players in T&T, like garbage.
Mr. Diaz, based on the amount of tax-payers’ money that has been invested in steel pan under your watch, in this economic downturn, the steel pan industry should be bringing revenue into our economy. We cannot show one money-making investment after all those recording breaking profits we raked in from the panoramas of our recent past. Our organization is insolvent, bankrupt while you posing in luxurious cars and living comfortable on the backs of pan men, women and children.
Mr. Diaz, you are sadly mistaken. Again, you are reading me wrong. My energy towards this fight is driven not by hate for you and the executive, on the contrary it is driven by love. Love for my children. Love for my students. Love for the all the players in T&T. Love for all the band leaders. Love for the citizens of T&T. Love for the international pan community and believe it or not, love for you. I don’t usually call names in my articles but today I make an exception.
Executive officers of Pan Trinbago:
Mr. Keith Diaz, I, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
Mr. Richard Forteau, I, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
Mr. Andrew Salvador, I, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
Mr. Darren Sheppard, I, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
Mr. Michel ‘Scoby’ Joseph, l, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
Mr. Trevor Reid, I, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
Mr. Allan Pablo Augustus, I, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
Ex-executive officers of Pan Trinbago.
Mr. Bryan Serrette, I, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
Mrs. Cindy Rosemin, I, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
And last but not at all least, Mr. Aquil Arrindell, I, Aquil Arrindell, love you.
So Mr. Diaz, instead of hating, be proud because you made me the giant that I am.
Please recognize that you are hurting the organization that you claim you love. Instead of trying to discredit my name with lies, do the honourable thing and resign.
Aquil ‘Killer’ Arrindell
Yours truly with love.
Blame Claude, he put up de kaiso "He Not Dead Yet" and yuh say Calude is yuh manager "lol," seems to me that's a contract assignment. Yuh see why dem guys fraid the internet. This ISIS kinda business scary. But we know yuh know better than dat. Psychological warfare, badjohns don't understand how it works.
Paranoid - Merchant
ha ha,