in this video I did speak on the death of brother Scobbie.
and on this platform we are paying tribute to those who left T&T to the U.S to build a better life for themselves and unfortunately pass because of the corona virus. like these people.
Aquil Arrindell: Let me tell you something THIS MORNING!!! It have TWO WORLDS of PAN MUSIC: THE LOCAL WORLD and the GLOBAL WORLD.
In the LOCAL WORLD of PAN MUSIC-- dem PAN PLAYERS does try to play every note in the scale in every MEASURE. In that world the PAN NOTES never get time to DECAY so you cannot really enjoy the SWEETNESS of the instrument.
In the GLOBAL WORLD of PAN the audience want to hear the SWEETNESS of the NOTE -- LINGER LONGER and hang in the EARDRUM.
Yes, I know I CYAR PLAY NO PAN -- but I know how the OUTSIDE WORLD wants to hear THE PAN. So any time you want to make PAN MUSIC for GLOBAL AUDIENCES (and you do seem to have a little bit of PAN TALENT) call me and I will give you a DISCOUNT PRICE as a GLOBAL CONSULTANT on what FOREIGNERS want to hear FROM THE PAN.
And if you really want to REACH where you are going then you better get some GOOD PAN SYNTHESIZER SOFTWARE down in CUT THYME STUDIO and then you could really experiment and be the first to make that PERFECT PAN NOTE that just HANGS in AIR and takes the sweet sound of PAN like a WARM TROPICAL BREEZE across the SEVEN SEAS.
Boy, yuh eh see that RUSSELL PROVIDENCE (MR. RUSSELL PROVIDENCE) come on THE FORUM and say that you are AHEAD OF THE CURVE with your STUDIO. What the hell, boy!!!
Pal, give Mrs. Brenda and I ah chance nah. I done talk to you all ready. You tell me what you want, I gave it to you, so leave me let me die in piece now nah.
Mrs have any song in mind for Canada? just incase I decide do it MINUS CLAUDE
People couldn’t find words when Michael “Scobie” Joseph passed. Kinda strange.
in this video I did speak on the death of brother Scobbie.
and on this platform we are paying tribute to those who left T&T to the U.S to build a better life for themselves and unfortunately pass because of the corona virus. like these people.
Mercer Ramdoo: EXPATIATE ah little more, nah.
And since you are a GLOBAL PAN CRITIC -- tell me what you think about AQUIL ARRINDELL and THIS PRODUCTION!!!
Aquil Arrindell: Let me tell you something THIS MORNING!!! It have TWO WORLDS of PAN MUSIC: THE LOCAL WORLD and the GLOBAL WORLD.
In the LOCAL WORLD of PAN MUSIC-- dem PAN PLAYERS does try to play every note in the scale in every MEASURE. In that world the PAN NOTES never get time to DECAY so you cannot really enjoy the SWEETNESS of the instrument.
In the GLOBAL WORLD of PAN the audience want to hear the SWEETNESS of the NOTE -- LINGER LONGER and hang in the EARDRUM.
Yes, I know I CYAR PLAY NO PAN -- but I know how the OUTSIDE WORLD wants to hear THE PAN. So any time you want to make PAN MUSIC for GLOBAL AUDIENCES (and you do seem to have a little bit of PAN TALENT) call me and I will give you a DISCOUNT PRICE as a GLOBAL CONSULTANT on what FOREIGNERS want to hear FROM THE PAN.
And if you really want to REACH where you are going then you better get some GOOD PAN SYNTHESIZER SOFTWARE down in CUT THYME STUDIO and then you could really experiment and be the first to make that PERFECT PAN NOTE that just HANGS in AIR and takes the sweet sound of PAN like a WARM TROPICAL BREEZE across the SEVEN SEAS.
Boy, yuh eh see that RUSSELL PROVIDENCE (MR. RUSSELL PROVIDENCE) come on THE FORUM and say that you are AHEAD OF THE CURVE with your STUDIO. What the hell, boy!!!
Pal, give Mrs. Brenda and I ah chance nah. I done talk to you all ready. You tell me what you want, I gave it to you, so leave me let me die in piece now nah.
Mrs have any song in mind for Canada? just incase I decide do it MINUS CLAUDE
Nice one Aquil. Now what yuh have for Canada?
Cecil: If you want one for CANADA -- don't talk to the ARTISTES ... TALK TO THE PRODUCER!!!
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