
  • i hope u know to be a manager in this time you have to use the most used social media forum to get the cheapest and best mileage for client. face book! so i signing you up next week. 

    • I don't need the road most traveled. I have had my agenda set decades before dat boy stole the student database at Havard. I was just waiting for the right ARTISTE to show up. That was a long wait, boy!!! I kinda don't like chasing the latest pop songs because they go out of fashion pretty fast.

      And I don't see YOUNG PEOPLE as being the PAN DEMOGRAPHIC. So I will work without a title or appointment and just bring the RESULTS to the table!!!

  • My publicist for Sir Lanka said he ready for a next video and he wants me to do the Theme from the movie Game for Thrones. I told him i have to talk my manager from the USA first. So what you say mr. claude you like that sound.

  • i thing aquil arrindell is brilliant enought i discuss it with him before he named me. lol

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