Trinidad Guardian
Panmen are expected to stage a placard demonstration outside Pan Trinbago office on Park Street, Port-of-Spain, tomorrow, demanding the immediate resignation president Keith Diaz and his entire executive.
And for the 2017 Carnival season, panmen may stage their own event called “Pandrome” with the support of private sponsors.
These two suggestions came out of a special meeting of pannists held at All Stars panyard in Port-of-Spain yesterday to discuss matters of concern, including the leadership of the movement and the non-payment of money owed to them for work done last year.
Among those who attended the meeting were internationally-known pannist and Phase 11 Pan Groove arranger, Len “Boogsie” Sharpe, who made the initial call for Wednesday’s protest.
Hope so, Garvin!!!
What I like most coming out of all this is, pan people realize how important it is for them to organize among themselves, taking charge of their own destiny .
Look how much MEDIA Pan Men suddenly getting as an INDEPENDENT ENTITY. They MUST proceed with this demonstration and push to get KEITH DIAZ out of office. March at the PT OFFICE! March at the Prime Minister's Office! March at Dr. Dolly's office! Visit all the MEDIA HOUSES and press the issue!
Have your own PANORAMA!!! Music is music!!!! What difference does it make where you play it!
Boogsie needs some help. Let some eloquent PAN MEN help him to lead the charge.
All who writing all the THEORETICAL articles -- let them join forces and put their ideas into action.
And how come "EXPATS and LOCALS" are so silent at this crucial moment in this PAN MAN REVOLUTION?
Some facebook posts show that there are some people who would prefer to stay in bondage and be abused by Rolly Polly than be freed by who they perceive are leading the charge. Sad...
Bugs , I am assuming that Pan Trinbago is still a democratic organization not a dictatorship.
That people can still vote for the leadership.
Am I right ?
If that is the case ,Then the players have to take responsibility and ACT.
PanTrinbago belongs to you , not to Mr. Diaz and his crew , they are just the caretakers.
And the caretakers are doing a poor job of stewardship.
Take over the organization.
Demand an early election if possible , but do not wait for anyone to do it for you..
Organize ., plan , take over and lets have a complete reset with a new agenda that we all can support.
The leadership of Pan Trinbago have been known to use all sort of dirty tricks to remain in office at all cost.
Asking the current executive board to resign immediately seems reasonable. Diaz has a history of having the small bands and single pan bands in his hip pocket. But this time they really risk losing all their players because of the disrespect Pan Trinbago has shown them.
Also the players are very aware that Pan Trinbago does not represent them or their interest. Which is why Dane, Duvone, Clive Telemaque and Boogsie presented themselves as players interested in the concerns of the players at the last meeting.
Glenroy it's very easy to hide behind a mob...yuh know? the shouting, I'm certain that none of the proposed picketers have really considered the legal implications where the present PT executive are concerned?...we already hearing about a "possible" replacement event...I wonder if this "Pandrome" will be inclusive of "all" bands? the end of the day it's still "Panorama" everybody fighting for...that $1,000.00 ent going away so easy...I dare say that 2015 was the last of the easy money...
Yesterday attendees were very well behaved. It was the best Pan meeting i have seen in quite a while. The meeting last week called by Pan Trinbago was a mob and straight up gangstaville. And worst it was hyjacked by Keith Diaz. Just look at the news clips.
Take is not a case of gansta vs gansta and fowl making sure too much cockroach doh turn up to spoil dey party...because I am certain that any "alternative Panorama" will not see the likes of any Small or Single Pan meh...