Does anyone know who the manufacturer for the balls on the standarad panland / pan2000 / kakesa style bass sticks are? Pretty much everyone seems to use the same make (with the grooves - you know the one) but can't figure out who makes them - they have what looks like an "LJ" logo though - see pic.
And whilst on the topic of bass sticks - any sources for the led-glow-on-impact sticks? Just the sticks, or even just the LED/circuit. Seen here: . All I can find for sale is standard glow sticks or flashing led ones, no impact sensitive ones.
And just because I'm a completist...
OEM more than likely Famosa Corp., t/a Ciber Industrial Co. Ltd., based in Taiwan.
And the LED sticks, either Firestix, or (newer, better) RockStix2 manufactured by Neptune Light Systems (aka. a nice bloke called Jeff who phoned me up) right here in the UK :)
UPDATE: UK supplier @ , 72p each. 62 grams.
Dog balls are too soft for tenor bass (barely audible on center notes). They're ok on low bass - give a softer, smoother, "bassier" sound, but still a bit quiet. Standard juggling balls have the sharper, crisper sound.
Both are hard to drill and cut with hand tools though. Straight line's ok with a hacksaw, but getting the pan200/panland/etc style rounded cut on the tenor base is near impossible. Better off either cutting the top and bottom off straight for tenor, or...
Smiley face ball, 5.5cm (*not* 6cm like it says). Same price. But probably better for tenor bass, if just cutting a 1/3 off the bottom. Not tried it yet but they look similar hardness so should be fine.
You can all thank me later.
I should have known you trinis have a way of making jokes with things. Truly a bunch of clowns ;o)
Juggling balls.
Seriously. :oP
"Ribbed Juggling Balls", "Rubber Juggling Balls", with "snow tire tread". Google any of that and they appear like magic :)
Distributed primarily by Olympia Sports (sku PS646P), Palos Sports, JuggleBug, BishopSport, and sold everywhere from Walmart to Sears to Amazon, usually in packs a 3 or 12, generally a couple dollars or less per ball.
Measures 2 1/4" (60mm) diameter and weighs 2.5oz (70g) each. There's also "Dog Balls" that are very similar in size and weight and slightly cheaper that I've ordered, probably manufactured by same company - main bonus is they don't have the tread that Bede Lopez complained about, so we'll see what they're like.
The "DogBalls" should be fine - just got them and they're pretty similar to the standard ribbed juggling ball, though slightly softer, and smooth. Might not last quite as long as the ribbed ones though.
UK manufacturer / distributor is Henbrandt Limited - actual Dog Ball can be found at (exactly 80 grams, 6.3cm diameter) but if you fancy a pictorial one they do loads more, see (football, basketball, hearts, squirls, etc - not sure of weight, but guessing identicle).
Thanks for the replies. Any recomendations on other ball brands? I see a few people mention the Super Pinky by OPTP ( ) but I think by definition they tend to only come in pink colour, which is kinda limiting in choice, and expensive in the UK (TT$170 per ball :oO ).
My good friend make Mallets and he says that those Balls are only good for Panorama and on the road etc, not for recording or Playing on stage in Music Festival, you hear an after effect from the balls, that noise comes from the roughness of the balls. (And he knows what he is talking about)
Bede: What is a M-A-L-L-E-T?
Claude, that is a Trivial Question, That is only wanting to stir up the question about Pan sticks and Mallets, its not important, then we will find this Discussion going on and on into another Subject, then it becomes boring,
Actually, I was admiring your B-R-A-V-E-R-Y to use the term!!!
Tongue in Cheek!!!!