These are before and after pictures of the Spree Simon Steel Orchestra computer room.

If you are inspired, we are asking for assistance to get computers for the space and for other steel bands. Thanks to all who have contributed and we Pan Moving Forward look forward to your continued support.

click to see more.....

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  • Work now start, boy. 299 more STEELBANDS to go!!!

    Solar Power; Broadband; Cyber Security; Computers; Dedicated Rehabbed Computer Rooms; Community Leaders.

    Like allyuh looking to turn PAN YARDS into CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE -- FOR REAL!!!

    While BEVERLEY sleeps in Tobago, PAN IS MOVING FORWARD in TRINIDAD!!!

    Aquil: I hope that it did not take EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS to REHAB that SIMON SPREE PAN YARD like it took to REHAB the GOLDEN LANE STEELBAND in TOBAGO!!!

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