What must be done to persuade the powers that be to begin the savannah party at 10am and not 1pm on Sunday 28th? The fiasco of 2017 where the last band performed at 3am Monday morning to an empty savannah should never be repeated. At an optimistic rate of 5 bands in 2 hours, a 1pm start will see large bands beginning after 7pm. This makes no sense for the patrons or players. Please, please, let good sense prevail and start the semis at 10am so everyone can participate and enjoy the hard work these mighty orchestras put in. Pan Trinbago, I'm counting on you
Anytime somebody uses the term "the powers that be" or "the government should" WST should delete the posting. Because since 1963 "the powers that be" and "the government" have initiated and BEEN RUNNING PANORAMA -- and this is what we have today.
Like everybody STUCK IN THE SIXTIES regardless of what they LEARN and see in FOREIGN.
All they have to do is reduce the size of all bands...Matter fix...Smaller the band ...less setup time on stage...the show must finish earlier...
merrytonestothebone: I have had a PROBLEM with you for THE LONGEST TIME: Yuh does KEEP IT TOO REAL on a FANTASY FORUM!!!
...So sorry Claude...Can't help it...
Forget the start time.
Someone tell me again why semifinals is a whole two weeks before finals.
Good point Noah. I never understood the rationale.
For the bands that DO NOT make Pan Finals, it's a killer. The pan yard virtually shuts down. No merchandise, food or bar sales.
Players completely disillusioned and either go play elsewhere or just stop playing altogether and go fete or something.
Back in the day, semis were the Carnival Thursday night and then finals on the Saturday.
For those who say it gives the finalists more and better time to prepare for finals, I've found that unless there are fairly significant changes in the arrangement, players could end up getting bored of the piece.
I think the pan prelims in the yard has been a great change from back in the day. Bands are more vibrant, people tend to support the merchandise, food and bar offerings etc and brings a vibe to the panyard that is needed IMO.
No more zonal finals I can see from an economic standpoint. It done not cheap to transport bands as it is. To have another stage of competition just adds to that cost.
But nearly 2 weeks between semis and finals? How many bands even practice seriously say the Monday to Thursday (being generous) after semis?
What about bands from Tobago? And is plenty of them in Medium category. They come down for semis, leave to go back to Tobago, and then have to come back again for finals. They can't afford to stay 2 weeks in Trinidad.
If they move semis back a week, in this case Feb 4, with the finals on the 10th, that's plenty time to prepare for finals AND let more bands capitalise on the carnival season in their respective panyards.
I truly feel it for those bands that don't make it to the finals because for many of them, it means the end of their carnival. we should be encouraging as much participation for as long as possible. Not limiting it.
You are so right on all points.
The week immediately after semis is generally an overlong breather that disrupts momentum.
The number one reason I hear over the years for the long break is for "uniform preparation". Keep in mind that last year's winner wore simple longsleeve jerseys.
Thursday again would be ideal especially for bands who come from afar but I know that is a problem with people in school/work. Next best thing is to swap the dates for semis and junior panorama. Aside from the benefits you mentioned, this also gives bands who lend pans to a school or have a junior band a full two weeks after junior panorama to fully focus on their own panorama efforts.
And, speaking personally, as someone who travels from abroad it is much easier to take off 1.5 weeks from work than three-plus. I know I do not speak only for myself in this regard...
Great point Noah regarding Junior Panorama!.
I refuse to believe the reason for the 2 weeks break is "uniform preparation". But a big part of me sayin doh discount it. Sad.
Well I don't think it's necessarily Pan Trinbago's rationale for it but a lot of people say it's helpful to have so much time, especially bands that aren't sure to make finals. But seems it'd be more beneficial for those bands that aren't a lock to be guaranteed a longer season...
"But there seems to be an attitude of “we in charge “ and “ we doh care about entertainment”."
Good point , Randi Curvan.
Another issue with the Panorama seems to be that there is almost a single minded focus on the competition aspect , instead of a balanced , well produced entertainment show with competition as one aspect of it..