I put up this posting on PAN TRIVIA ... a site on which I never post. And I expect it to be deleted by that GESTAPO SITE. So I am putting it up here to make sure that BERTEL GITTENS is shamed for supporting BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE when he knew better. Not only did he know better ... but he PERSONALLY TOLD ME BETTER.
"Bertel Gittens: I have to wonder about your sincerity regarding PAN PROGRESS or if you are only on an EGO TRIP -- after you chose to push that CORRUPT BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE into office and then have her CUSS YOU OUT while you still chose to support her illegal occupation of THE PRESIDENCY of PAN TRINBAGO as she continues to steal/misappropriate MILLIONS of PAN TRINBAGO $$$$. I thought that you had much more integrity than that ..."