An idea came to me, and I am sure at least ONE person will cut it down; but here goes anyway:
Instead of having the Greens be the playhouse for those who really do not care about steelbands and pan, I suggest that the area be allotted to the member steelbands. Each steelband will have a "booth", so even if they did not get past the prelims, they would still have a presence at the rest of the Panorama. The steelbands would come up with their own concept, as to how they want to display their booths. For example, a steelband could design the inside of their booth, so that when you enter, the props and effects take you back to the 1940s or 50s. Or a band could set up a booth that would make you feel like you're 1000 years into the future. Another band could choose to run lectures or beginner lessons for tourists. The bands could also have pans right on the spot for sale, or have a mailing list or some other way to capture potential customers' contact info. Another band, could just have live entertainment, with their "stage side" providing music. Another band could have theatrical plays and acts, using members of their steelbands. So they would charge patrons to enter their booths; kind of like an "Art Fair" atmosphere, where every and anything pan-related will be featured. Of course, depending on the type of entertainment, the booths may have to be soundproof. We could have a booth with a talent show like X Factor, where members of steelbands could showcase their other "talents". Or we could make it like a Gong Show, where if the act gets enough boos, they hear the sound of a heavy bass pan. Every booth would have something for to wow the patron. The steelbands can be as flamboyant as they want, and the activities at this "Pan City", will coordinate with the Panorama activities, so that when the steelbands are performing on stage (or announcements), the other activities stop, and the video and audio feeds in the booths kick in, allowing patrons to still be in tune with what's going on in Panorama. Maybe I'm just a dreamer, but I will continue to imagine, for without the use of our imaginations, we will never see the untapped potential in the steelbands, their instrument, and their events, especially Panorama. By doing these things, we can really impact the lives of many people, and end the funneling of funds to FCL and others, who are no more creative than we are. Excuse the rawness of this idea; the thoughts were flowing, and I kept typing away as they came. (Your turn, dream-killer.)
Ghost Who Knows If We Think Outside The Box, The Possibilities Are ENDLESS!!!
Great ideas, Pantum ... and as Sidd remarked, it is really a question of Pan Trinbago's accommodation of the notion that T&T carnival should be the time and place to showcase pan, if that is in fact their mission.
I could imagine many innovative spinoffs, both financial and educational/cultural, that would enhance the understanding and appreciation for pan by Trinis at home and abroad, as well as by visitors.
Pan Trinbago get to much credits for spending $40 millions dollars of TT Tax Payers money yearly!!!! it is not really a question of Pan Trinbago's accommodation. THE REAL QUESTIONS ARE DOES THE GOVT OF THE DAY GETTING ALL THESE IMPORTANT INFORMATION'S WHAT IS DISCUSSING ON WST DAILY TO IMPLEMENT CHANGES?????
Gavin, are you suggesting that it is the government that must act to initiate any such good idea? or that it is NOT the responsibility of Pan Trinbago to seek and promote the best interests of panmen?
S what if the government IS aware of all this discussion on WST?
Isn't it ultimately a question the WILL TO ACT?!!, whether on Pan Trinbago's part or the government's?
Exactly the point that you didn't get, Bertel.
Anyone who takes the time to participate in a discussion pertaining to the improvement of the steelband and its people, and who submits thoughts and ideas to that discussion is in my opinion a doer.
Not everyone can tune a pan or be a crackshot panist or become head of PanTrinbago , or do whatever you think a "doer" should do.
Some will have to develop and sell ideas that influence the direction taken by the people in positions of leadership in the steelband community.
One doesn't stop thinking up new ideas because you think no one is listening (which I doubt),
One tries to find more efficient and better ways of getting the word out.
That's the trouble.
Too little, not too much thinking!
Glenroy, the problem we have here in Trini is not the lack of Ideas! It is the will to execute! Trinidad and Tobago is FULL of Ideas and Plans. Who are the ones implementing? Pan culture is no different! There are many Plans that Pan Trinbago come up with every year for Pan, but no WILL to implement as my dear friend Sidd just explained above. And I dare say that some of the plans are what we all speak of on this Forum almost everyday.
Take a look at the Pan Headquarters as a good example. Every year for the past OMteen years they speak of completing this building, NO WILL!
A Pan Factory! Every year for the past OMteen years they speak of building a Pan Factory as a business venture to supply Pans to the World. NO WILL! The last I heard they were going to set up one in Africa. Heaven knows what came out of that.
A Pan lottery to acquire much need funds to support members in times of medical and other needs. NO WILL!
And if it isnt the lack of WILL, it is that they are too busy with their own personal agendas.
I say again, our 'Think Tank' here is good, but if it is only Think and Talk, Whats the Use? Action is needed badly Sir, and it would seem to me that the Thinkers will have to be practical Doers for things to happen!
it always amuses me that many talk so much about their love of pan yet have so little faith in its ability to succeed in the land of its creation.
"if we take pan away from Carnival we won't get support"
"If we don't have the DJ on the Greens, the crowds won't show".
I call that BS.
I believe in the power of The pan.
If we do things in the right way, with the proper planning, promotion and execution, If we have a goal of retaking the hearts and minds of the fans, and not take them for granted, I'm sure we will be successful.
Support is not an entitlement, even for arts and culture.
It is something you work for whether it's a rock band or a steelband.
And I submit that we still have a lot of work to do to promote and develop a true appreciation of steelband art form, and as they say, it all begins at home.
And one more thing.
Some complain that most of us on this forum just talk and do nothing for pan, especially the ones in "foreign" .
Well, I see this forum as a sort of a "Steelpan Think Tank".
We argue, discuss, gossip etc., but we also produce ideas worth considering by the steel pan community, which is what a "think tank' does , (though most recognized ones employ highly paid scholars).
Every once in a while, we are even fortunate to be blessed by appearances by some of the most knowledgeable pan people alive, for which we are extremely grateful.
So before we criticize comments made by "foreigners", we should be thankful that wherever they are, pan people show the love by taking the time to express differing points of view.
And we should remember that this forum is also provided for us by caring pan people who also reside in "Foreign"
Very well said Glenroy. "Support is not an entitlement, even for arts and culture." If those in charge understood this simple fact, so much more could be accomplished. The greatest collection of steelband minds come through WST everyday. They just choose to remain silent.
Glenroy, as far as I am concerned, no Trini on this Forum is a 'Foreigner'. Here we speak only one subject, Pan, OUR Pan. My feeling is that we need ALL HANDS ON DECK down here in TRINI to turn things around where OUR National Instrument is concerned. A 'Think Tank' is good, but if no one is listening to the thinkers, then we must ALL here become DOERS, and there must be a sense of urgency, least we loose all in the long run!
The 'greens' was conceptualized as a place for those who want to be around the panorama but not actually fanatically intereste in the panorama per se. It's another place to get some more revenue from the panorama. Now whether or not you agree that there should be a space for those persons and elect not to capitalize on that audience then the question is. What then is to be done with the patrons who populate the greens? Where will they go? The idea of the 'Greens' whether you agree with it or not is to have a space for those who don't even care about the panorama but want to be there anyway- for the 'lime'.
If you get rid of them then you will not have the greens because there will be no reason to have it. (as well as the revenue from it)
Now if you are saying that instead of the 'greens' for the 'wanna be there but actually not interested in the pan' that there could be a 'pan village' with everything pan included, then do you have an audience for that?
Is it going to be the patrons who are there for the panorama or will it be new patrons who aren't interested in the panorama but don't want a 'greens' atmosphere. So a completely new audience?