BEVERLEY could PAY THE PAN MEN if she chooses to be CREATIVE and EQUITABLE 

There are about 7000 players (all my numbers are BALL PARK NUMBERS -- I am not claiming to provide EXACT NUMBERS) who practice and perform the PANORAMA MUSIC across TRINIDAD and TOBAGO at CARNIVAL TIME. And about half of these PAN MEN do get paid, some of them quite handsomely. 

Some bands pay TOP PLAYERS as much as $700+ for PRELIMS in the yard and $1100+ for SEMIS and $1400+ for the FINALS. On top of that, PANORAMA FINALS BANDS sometimes pay their STAGE SIDE PLAYERS anywhere from $2000 to $3600 from their WINNINGS. So a TOP LEVEL Pan Player could actually EARN around $7000 for the PANORAMA SEASON. And that does NOT include TRANSPORTATION to and from the PANYARD and CATERING by THE BANDS.  

So when we BROADLY SAY that PAN MEN are not getting PAID because BEVERLEY failed to deliver the remittance payments, we are actually talking about 3,500 Pan Players not being paid. And if we borrow the merrytonestothebone scrub brush and clean the BAND HOPPERS out of this mix -- we may be talking about 3,000 Pan Players who will actually play for free.   

At $500 per player, this means that the SHORT FALL to complete payments to ALL PAN PLAYERS is about 1.5 million dollars. And this is where if THE PRESIDENT had any concern for EQUITABILITY, she could easily come up with some creative means to make sure that EVERY PAN MAN is PAID FOR PANORAMA. 

I am going to make some suggestions on how that 1.5 TT (230,000 US -- roughly) could be generated. And the one that I want to put first, I will GRUDGINGLY put LAST. 

Posters on THIS FORUM claim that PANORAMA MUSIC is the GREATEST MUSIC IN THE WORLD and EVERYBODY wants to hear it. So listen to BUGS and create a WORLD CLASS MUSIC Panorama DVD and market it properly. That should be able to generate the designated funds. (Now that is not my first choice; and I will stop there!!!) 

I have always talked about PAN TRINBAGO having a MARKETING TEAM. So I would put the RIGHT marketing team in place and approach EVERY COMPANY in TRINIDAD to make a FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION to that cause -- on some basis. 

The next idea is a little shaky. But since SIDD brought it up this morning I will bite the bait. During the PRESENTATION OF THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, an old man came up and suggested that ALL EXPAT PAN LOVERS send $100 US to Trinidad and clear the debt in PAN TRINBAGO or contribute to the cause of PAN. SIDD suggested this morning between $25 and $100!!! It will only take about 230,000$$$ US to pay the PAN MEN their 1.5 million. And I would be THE FIRST to jump up and go to MONEY GRAM and send a $100 US to MARCUS ASH at PAN TRINBAGO; and then I will get Inez John from Brooklyn to send $100; and then I will get Ingrid from England to send 100 POUNDS. So we have a START. But I know better than that!!! I know that -- for the MOST PART -- EXPATS doh like TO GIVE to no cause like that!!! So even though we have 20,000 members on this forum and thousands more on individual FACEBOOK GROUPS -- that idea is a little PIE IN THE SKY. 

Which leads to my last suggestion. 

13 MILLION DOLLARS are going to go to PRIZES for WINNING BANDS IN 2019. Why not snip the 1.5 million off the top of THIS PRIZE MONEY and pay the THREE THOUSAND PAN PLAYERS who have NOTHING COMING. 

After all, the PAN FAMILY is ONE BIG FAMILY!!!

Where there is a will, there is a way -- MISS BEVERLEY!!!

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  • Steve Taylor
    Steve Taylor The poorest group are the pan players, yet Panorama cannot be anything without them. Arrangers, pan tuners, pan administrators all received their funds. These cannot produce a Panorama event without pan players. The present PT board has already made the worst choice of management skills by not also seeing that the pan players are paid for at least 2018 if not 2019. They went on to state that pan players wont be paid 2018, 2019 and 2020. That in my opinion is adding insult to injury. Pan players must be paid. A pan players Union has to be started now. The last time someone tried it, PT turned it down saying that they were already a pan players Union. Now we are hearing PT is not responsible for pan players but the pan band membership. A pan band is not a pan band without pan players. A pan band may have pan arrangers, pan administrators and pan tuners but without players, they cannot sound a note playing out some where. It was definitely a wrong choice made by the membership. I predict this openly.
    Emond Berkeley
    Emond Berkeley Mr Taylor what should have been the choice of the members ?
    Steve Taylor
    Steve Taylor The choice of the members should have either been Robert Amar or Lawford Duprey or have them both run Pan Trinbago. Both are financial men of experience and would have gotten other financial men to come financially and would have listened an adapted what I had to say about the use of the WWW in raising funds in US dollars. Until that is not done Pan Trinbago is really finished. That is where the money is. We have given the pan free of charge virtually away to thousands and thousands world wide any where pan is played. Yet we cannot seem to use the Internet in starting a fund campaign program. One little man like Mark -the owner of FB is many times a billionaire. Why can't we get together and start an online fund raising campaign-aka Crowd Funding. Are we so stupid and backward. Pan is more international than it is national. It means we do not understand what pan is.
  • Claude:  Are you saying that the TT$1.3m should come from the prize monies .... or from the monies which Pan Trinbago are due to get?

    • Ingrid, this is what she was actually as saying: "If we have to maintain a price structure of over $13 million ...."

      Now, for 2018 the prize money that was recently paid out was reported as $12,000,000 -- so the one million "and over" for 2019 might just match that 1.5 million and case close.

      Yes!!! To your question -- from the 13 mill and over!!!

      But that is not my first choice for a solution. It is too easy and allows the 30+ people on that executive and staff and team of advisors -- plus the other twenty something in the regions to SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING all year round. Still, there are downstream benefits to this suggestion.

      I like the bugs idea with the DVD -- but that will take considerable TALENT. That idea needs to be tested without the PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVE stealing all the profits as was done in the past.

      The idea of putting a GOOD MARKETING team together seems the most FERTILE to me. But for political and demographic reasons -- I don't think that THIS EXECUTIVE could deliver on that.

      • Thanks Claude.  The reason I'm so annoyed is that the meagre pan players have always been treated disrespectfully and the more we move into the 21st Century, the worse it gets.  It's almost as if pan men are not important.  Well, if they are not important enough to get any money for the next two years, then Panorama should be able to continue without them.  it's not fair for them to play for nothing.  Just like "scrunting", those days are done!!

        The marketing team idea is the best way to go.  The internet should be used more effectively to generate funds.

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