Despite all the RECESSION and HARDSHIP talk that is going around, there is PLENTY MONEY floating around down there in the BUSINESS CIRCLES.
So BEVERLEY should take the shackles off Sandra Awai and send her out there to talk to (beg) CORPORATE TRINIDAD about coming up with the 10 MILLION to pay the PAN MEN for 2018.
Let Marcus Ash design a presentation and then Sandra and Dane memorize it and learn to recite it with conviction. And then you put the whole executive (and staff) to start calling up COMPANIES and making appointments to talk to the HIGH MAKA MAKA about the new direction for PAN under the distinguished leadership of BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE.
BEVERLEY could even begin by living up to the "inclusion promise" -- calling in Keron Valentine and Lawford Dupres and Robert Amar and Ainsworth Mohammed (mending some fences) to an "emergency meeting" to help structure this project and share access to their vast network of tentacles into CORPORATE TRINIDAD.
PAYING the PAN PLAYERS for 2018 should be the HIGHEST PRIORITY of this new administration as the 2018 clock is fast running out. Unless the PAN PLAYERS are willing to take an IOU (Cecil -- ah now understand you) into 2019.