I have a PARDNAH in SAN JUAN who grow up in the same era in SAN JUAN with me and DIAZ!!! All ah we from SAN JUAN and the man just send me an email to CLARIFY SOME THINGS.
What most people on THIS FORUM don't know is that I DON'T MAKE THE NEWS -- I just report it as people send it to me.
(And as ah just read in ah Venezuelan newspaper ah Venezuelan man say: All the people on the internet who commenting on Venezuela never live in Venezuela and they think that they know more about what is going on in Venezuela than the people living there. Ah have ah headache trying to read all that SPANISH and translate it. But Venezuela and Guyana really have meh interest. And I doh live in TRINIDAD so I know I have my limits and stand to CORRECTIONS -- just like the Venezuelean fellah point out.)
Anyway, back to BEVERLEY and PAN TRINBAGO!!!
The $30,000,000 that was subvented in 2016 that BEVERLEY so LAMENTING -- when yuh really break it down it was MUCH LESS than the $20,000,000 she get this year.
Hear what meh SAN JUAN pardner tell me: He say that by the time DIAZ and FORTEAU and SHEPPARD and JOSEPH and LAMBERT finish with that $30,000,000 -- there was barely anything left to RUN PANORAMA and PAY THE PLAYERS ... yet they did. So Beverley peddling a FALSE NARRATIVE that PANORAMA cannot be PRODUCED with $20,000,000 including HELP TO BANDS and PAYMENTS TO PLAYERS.
Look at the BREAKDOWN THE MAN GIVE me and I know that the man HAVE CONNECTIONS in THE MINISTRY.
He say that of the $30,000,000 given to PAN TRINBAGO in 2016 -- almost 60% went to salaries and staff benefits and honoraria and bonus and subsistence and legal and professional fees. So when you subtract that $18,000,000 plus all the loans and consultant fees -- yuh barely end up with $10,000,000 to run THE PANORAMA.
Of course, THE PANORAMA brings in quite a few millions -- but that does get bite up too.
So my conclusion is that $18,000,000 is ADEQUATE to run THE PANORAMA and PAY THE PAN PLAYERS. Clearly, BEVERLEY is trying to MAMAGUY ah big man. Because with $20,000,000 she should be able to PAY SALARIES (and not dem exorbitant DIAZ and FORTEAU salaries and ADDED CORRUPTION, eh -- reasonable salaries).
Now, I am assuming that THIS ADMINISTRATION eh go TIEF as much as the LAST ONE. Ah know for sure that there is ONE HONEST MAN on THIS EXECUTIVE and that is MARCUS ASH!!! I personally vetted that man before the election.
Lord ah leave out so much details from meh pardnah email!!! But ah inviting BEVERLEY and the PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVE to come and shed some light on this POINT OF VIEW!!!
Hey Claude, your ideas on both Venezuela and Pantrinbag's finances are very reasonable. May I suggest (1) that there are many alternative to mainstream media sources on Venezuela. Even the NY Times has been publishing interesting perspectives. (2) In the long term interest of pan and pan players it may be useful to shift the dialog away from Panorama (as important as it is perceived by many) toward a deeper perspective, maybe resocialization of Trinis toeard pan.
On the side, Panyard Inc. had been in the spotlight lately. News to many! They're been around over 20 years! Probably only Panland in Trini has a similar profound outlook on pan as business. Also, compare what UTT and UWI are doing with pan with NYU, University Ohio, Akron, Berkeley School of Music at Tufts and others. Help Mrs. Ramsey-More to redirect the focus. 'Nuff respect!