TRINIDAD EXPRESS August 29, 2019

"The International Steelband Foundation’s “Big 5—The Steelband Concert 3rd Edition”, brings together WITCO Desperadoes, Massy Trinidad All Stars, BP Renegades, HADCO Phase II and Republic Bank Exodus. The much-anticipated annual event takes place at the Paddock, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, on October 26."

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  • "The aim of the Foundation is to develop mutually beneficial opportunities for its members and to promote more collaboration between progressive bands throughout the year."...

    This needs some explaining...

  • “Big 5” to honour Neville Jules in 3rd edition Concert

    Today’s world requires mutually beneficial partnerships to leverage creativity, experience and resources. This is the philosophy behind the collaboration of five of the world’s most celebrated steel orchestras.

    “Big 5 – The Steelband Concert 3rd Edition”, under the distinguished Patronage of Prime Minister The Honourable Dr Keith Rowley, brings together Desperadoes, Massy Trinidad All Stars, BP Renegades, HADCO Phase II and Republic Bank Exodus. The much anticipated annual event takes place at the Paddock, Queen’s Park Savannah on Saturday 26 October. Between them they have won the National Panorama title forty-five (45) times since it was first held in 1963. These 5 bands have also dominated the National Steelband Music Festivals, World Steelband Music Festival, Caribbean Panorama and World Steelband Panorama.

    Traditionally the BIG 5 celebrates individuals who have contributed to the Steelband movement. In 2017 and 2018 Teddy Guerra and Pat Bishop were honoured. This time around BIG 5 is celebrating the living legend Mr. Neville Jules. Jules has been the recipient of many awards locally and internationally, including the Chaconia Medal (Silver) in 2018, for long and meritorious service in the field of culture and community service.

    The aim of the Foundation is to develop mutually beneficial opportunities for its members and to promote more collaboration between progressive bands throughout the year. Bringing their bands together under one flag, will make it possible to share ideas, bring their skills together and work at making those ideas come to life as a team.

    Journalist, Pannist and Steelpan Historian- Dalton Narine had this to say about the idea of the Big 5: “This is fascinating stuff. The structural engineers ought to be congratulated.” He added: “To paraphrase Disraeli, the nineteenth century British novelist, mark this shooting star, and watch these young gazelles at play.”

    The “young gazelles” would be presenting a varied repertoire on October 26 at the “Paddock”, Queen’s Park Savannah and will include Guest Artistes as part of their performances.

    Tickets for “Big 5 – The Steelband Concert” will be available at NLCB Booths nationwide and as is customary patrons can bring their own cooler.

    Contact: Michael Marcano 678-5445 or Ainsworth Mohammed 678-7106

  • I have a suggestion for the BIG 5. If they are going to continue to have these shows, they should rotate in ANOTHER STEELBAND every so often. Either make it a 6-BAND show; or 4 of the BIG-5 BANDS plus a BAND from the 6 THRU 180 slots!!!

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