I find that the show was very LIGHTLY PROMOTED. Almost as if the "BIG 5" is already running out of gas. (Ah hear gas real expensive in Trinidad right now to the extent that food prices going and reach the sky.) But I am hoping that the bands have a GOOD TURNOUT (FULL HOUSE, preferably) and that they play PLENTY CALYPSO. Whatever anybody say: Is CALYPSO MUSIC that bring the STEELBAND to FAME and ACCEPTANCE.
If I pay money to go to a show like that I want about 90 percent CALYPSO and about 10% POP SONGS played in CALYPSO TEMPO. Leave the Classical Music to them Europeans!!! And leave the JAZZ to them AMERICANS!!! And leave the SALSA to them HISPANICS!!!
PAN done prove what it have to PROVE already. So don't bore me tonight with any innovative ideas trying to prove the diversity and flexibility and adaptability of the instrument. IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!
And don't ever forget: That CALYPSO and STEELBAND is the CULTURE OF TRINIDAD!!!