Well, if Aquil could not take him down at the AGM and the judge could not take him down on the court -- I am anxious to see how THE DOLLY does it. Hopefully Gregory Lindsay is finally right and TALK of a NEW and HONEST Pan Trinbago should start on Friday Morning.
But you know, I was reading this article on the NEW TRUMP TAX PLAN and I saw this line which some people might find RELATIVE: Economists struggling to understand the unwieldy legislation [Trump's Tax Bill] are like biochemists attempting to explain contemporary ballet.
Breaking News, KEITH DIAZ IS DOWN, yes, downtown POS organizing 2018 panorama. Taking him down is easier said than done.
Cecil: I want you and all the readers and posters on this forum to clip out this line and keep it somewhere close. It came from a passage put up by Gregory Lindsay yesterday and the author could NOT BE MORE IN TUNE.
"The decision of the Court has not addressed the problems inherent to the dysfunctional relationships existing in Law between/among PT, the NCC and Cabinet that is being managed by the latter…but it will render Keith Diaz and his Executive untouchable for some time."
The President is planning to meet with NCC Chairman tomorrow to discussion options. I say he should take Ramesh with him. When yuh operating with yuh back against the wall it's easy to over look the details. Ask Trump.
Take it from a REAL problem SOLVER...
odw: The problem is that you don't know who has 6 degrees of separation with whom. Colin and Diaz could be pardners from decades ago ... and Ainsworth and Colin could have been adversaries from school days. You just never know the background stories in all these dramas.
As we keep looking for PROGRESS, I am sure that you are beginning to see that it is MORE COMPLEX than what the BOOKS SAY.
So you are saying these guys are so "emotionally handicapped" dey can't leave the PAST where it belong in the PAST. Talk bout being professionals, yuh are hired to do a JOB.
Mighty Sparrow - Water de Garden
I have the FULL story regarding Ainsworth Mohammed resignation at the NCC..and attendant reasons why he decided to depart. But what can I say Claude,...DeadMenDohTalk......I guess,..so is RadioSilence from me to you.....
Doh treat we so nah, Gregory. Take a Lazarus Moment and come and tell us the story!!!
So , Claude , yuh pardner Gregory is a "Dead man Walking " ? :)
Except that he does NOT know it, Glenroy!!! The man swear HE ALIVE!!!
Ainsworth Mohammed resigning from the NCC don't look too good, I looked at him as a strong voice for the Steelband with-in the NCC.