Congratulations to Bertram “Birch” Kelman—Pan Maker/Tuner—(Culture); Renowned panist, member of the National Steel Band which performed at Expo ’67 in Montreal, Canada and Anthony Emrold Phillip aka Brother Valentino— Calypsonian—(Culture) in each being awarded the Humming Bird Medal (Gold) - “For loyal and devoted service to Trinidad and Tobago.”
Also congratulations to Liam Teague—Panist/Arranger/Composer, and Associate Professor of Music, Northern Illinois University, USA —(Culture) in being awarded the Humming Bird Medal (Silver) - “For loyal and devoted service to Trinidad and Tobago.”
When Steel Talks extends congratulations to all awardees of National Medals in Trinidad & Tobago. See the full listing
iI am going to start the discussion,now i have read a few comments with regards to the awards, the trinidad express,most were of displeasure,,imagine a journalist ,being awarded,a dedicated servant to the Steelpan world such as George Sonny Goddard,,len B Sharpe,Birtie Marshall, in short all of those of whom had done their best tirelesssly from the inception were omitted,ignored,it,s a total shame for those of the Selection Committee to not take into consideration the National Instrument of T&Tcoupled with it,s die hard members who were there in the inception, it seems as though these committee members were not affiliated to or have no experience,or were bias towards the Steelpan world, total victimisation,,, my personal feelings is that this was intentionlly been done,,the appropriate word is ,,conniving,,The Truth,whosoever is displeased with my comment,,bear this in mind,,,LET,S BE HONEST WITH OURSELVES, i fear not ,for the truth shall and will always prevail,,we can do as much as we want ,,,BUT!!! not how long we want,,EVERY PROFESSION,,POSITION, or AUTHORITY HAS TO BE VACATED,GUARANTEED,, either by pension,,dismissal,sickness and death which is must for us all ,the censors who may be scrutinizing the comments on WST can bring the message straigh back to their Lords.THE TRUTH
Jerome .. it is diffilcult to understand what you are really saying specifically unless you can name names ... who deserve such awards and who do not?!!
Mr Peter Gray,,The strangest thing is that ,,I DID NOT MENTION ONLY GEORGE SONNY GODDARD,,,,others were also included, But!! the name George S Goddard seems to be poison in your mind, now my opinion is based on facts presented on WST,such as 40 years of sacrifice provided by G S Goddard,,as for Bertie,it is assumed or stated that he was the person that had implemented, the Double Second Pan along with the AMPLIFICATION OF THE SAME,not leaving out Ellie. ,As a blackman,though i now not of what race/origin you are ,it matters not , but whenever facts are presented,i do stand firm , your silence pertaining to the subject matter clearly shows ,,total disapproval and dishonesty on your behalf,,we all do have a right as usal to voice our opinion,i,m not on this website to create havoc,,i,m here as a Panman,a self taught Tuner who do respect the God Given Instrument of T&T,therefore if ever there is injustice i would not stand or hide behind the curtains in closing with respect and no hate i do make my point.,
who is this jerome ebenezer clarke
is it CLARKIE gerald clarke the tuner that comes to canada
No Mr Jones.
Who are you - state who you are ? if you are over 60 and you are a Trinidadian steelpan history would come to you - you write like you are guessing, always apologizing...
Peace brother,yuh get meh,,peace,where ignorance is bliss it,s folly to be wise,,PEACE,,RESPECT.
Jerome,I believe Boogsie and Ellie were awarded medals before.
Thanks for,the info and correction Cecil,,,,respect