Birdsong Begs for Extra Time -- TV6

The Birdsong Academy, a Tunapuna music and cultural institution, is begging for extra time from their landlords to acquire new land and construct a new building. They're staring down the barrel of an eviction notice and they have to be out by Monday.

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  • Somebody has to be really pissed to have a Steelband vacate it's yard in such a short period of time.

    • Not necessarily, Cecil. (Here I go giving you ONE EXAMPLE which I always so thoroughly resent!) But sometimes the parent who owns the LOT (and had goodwill sharing it with the PAN MEN and the CULTURE) gets old and dies and the children inherit the lot. Well, in these modern times like this, a vacant lot, which is a relatively non-productive asset, can be put to its highest and best use -- which could be an apartment or commercial building (depending on the zoning) and all of a sudden it becomes a highly productive asset. Some real greedy children will sell the lot and live the high-life until the money is done.  So many scenarios -- sometimes the property is left to three or four children and two want to keep it and two want to sell. I think we need to send INSPECTOR BUGS down to Tunapuna to investigate this case and bring the facts back. Right now it looks like by the time Rowley come back it might be too late because your low profile MINISTRESS OF CULTURE is just too docile to make a decision.

    • The owner was a Andy Narell fan. LOL

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