I've never seen anything like this before where a steelband offers package deals to International players to come and play for panorama, I think it's a brilliant idea, I wonder how many spots are available. This could turn out to be a new norm for steelbands.
Birdsong has done this for a few years. Last year our director went. It allowed him to go for an 11 day period and get to take in a lot of events in a short time at a reasonable cost. Housing was included in the program last year. I like that they have expanded options this year. Certainly many others go on their own, find their own band, etc. The Birdsong program takes care of so many details.
Denette, this is what's called forward thinking and I like it.
They also provide the printed music and a recording ahead of time. The participants are expected to come prepared to play the song. Jeremy was playing cello and he was informed the pan layout ahead of time. It was a different layout than our pans but he at least knew what the layout would be. It is a great program and I am happy to see it continuing and growing.
Each year tens maybe hundreds of players come here to play and enjoy Panorama.
For the most part when its their first time many of them might get ripped off with the prices that are charged for accommodation etc.
It's a good idea to have an organized program to accommodate and even supply meals for persons wanting to come here for carnival and specifically to play at Panorama.
Many persons in far off lands that do not know anyone here would be encouraged to come if they think it is an organized trip that will enable them to enjoy Panorama and carnival without the risk of coming here without knowing where you are going to stay of how to get around or even find a band.
Hopefully this project will accommodate players for all the bands and not only Birdsong.