Athena Nichole

June 4th

When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist Athena Nichole

“I feel when you truly love something or someone musically, you can NEVER just like one of their pieces. Clive Bradley will always be my favorite
arranger because of his inventiveness to create masterpieces. To name only
one song would be bogus, though... Rebecca, High Mas, In My House and
that’s just in Trini, (LOL). He’s truly missed.” -- Athena Nichole

In an exclusive interview with When Steel Talks - veteran panist Athena Nichole shares her wisdom, experiences and intellect through her personal
journey with Pan, and the art form as a nurturing environment for youth
and community.

See Interview
Related content:

Athena Nichole with D'Radoes Steel Orchestra

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