But at least I see GREGORY LINDSAY open ONE EYE and recognize one CRITICAL TOOL that could have swung the pendulum in the CIP favor months ago. Ah sending him back to read what he write and find the needle in the haystack. It was exactly the core of the strategy I was going to use had they hired me as a political consultant -- except that mine was going to be an ALL OUT BLITZ knocking down the entire OFFENSIVE LINE (look ah make ah pun, by accident) and the QUARTERBACK. Hell, even the REFEREES was going down under MY PLAN.
And to top it all off, I find them CIP men to be real ungrateful. I come on here everyday and make sure that their GROUP NAME and their individual names stay ON TOP THE FORUM discussion. And they cannot make a simple psychological inference -- how the hell they are going to compete globally against all the highly educated American Pan Musicians who are multiplying like rabbits (white rabbits) and taking the PAN all over the WORLD.
Now everybody does get VEX when I call KEITH DIAZ the GREATEST POLITICIAN in the WORLD. But Keith Diaz and I grow up around the same time in that same SAN JUAN area culture -- so I understand the man. Who from South and who from Tobago and who from Grenada or St. Vincent -- dem could never read KEITH DIAZ like I could. (Even DOLLY -- she grow up in NEWALLOVILLE right where I grow up a generation before that and I know the culture eh change that much during that time expect for the influx of ILLEGALS who pretty much turned the place into a CRIME LAB -- but that is another subject.)
So I does do the CIP a big favor and continually let them know that they are dealing with a political genius. But dey YOUNG AND STRONG and dey so quick to beat dey chest while chanting VICTORY that I does have to come on here every so often and slap dem on dey wrist. But dey still doh listen.
Yuh doh have to read Charles Darwin to know about survival of the fittest!!! And who is the FITTEST PAN POLITICIAN in the world? THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ!!!
Eyes Wide Shut...Claude......
Tell yuh Boss....Maintenance on that stent coming up......Heart Maintenance is important.....what is joke for school chilldren is death for crapeaud.....who feels it knows it....