Now, this is NO SURPRISE to me because if you go back and read my analysis of both BEVERLEY and SANDRA -- I was pointing in that direction from the start.
The news will say that SANDRA AWAI has resigned; but the TRUTH is different!!!
Aquil Arrindell have some real good timing, boy. Just last night the man start to REBEL against the BEV on THIS FORUM and today the MARK BUS!!!
But I still more IN TUNE with the POLITICS than AQUIL!!!
Hmm. I wonder if Beverley will put her PRO in place now. Obviously, this is calculated move on Beverley's part.
"Leadership You Can Trust"
Yuh reading the cards real good, Ingrid!!! But Salisha James is running for another post in the Regional Elections today -- so we have to wait and see what comes next.
And for the opposite reasons that Sandra could not fit into the color scheme in Pan Trinbago -- Salisha would be TOTALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL as the PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER.
Actually, Marcus Ash could be a good PRO. Hell, he got so much on the ball he could be both Education Officer and Public Relations Officer at the same time -- while the other EIGHT members on the executive sit around and watch him (with folded arms) run his blood to water.
"Leadership You Can Trust to kill PAN PROGRESS"
Ha, ha, ha