Trinidad Newsday
Wednesday, March 11 2015
THE EDITOR: I don’t know who Joan Gower de Chabert is but she is to me disillusional. The ten points she made in her scoring is so much baloney. Is she saying those things happen only at the Massy Trinidad All Stars panyard? Is it that all the other panyards are dens of iniquity and that’s why they can’t win? I have never heard so much nonsense in my life. I suggest Pan Trinbago brings in people to judge Panorama who are not native to this part of the world and have no affiliation to or liking for any particular band, who are experienced musicians and who are versed in the criteria for judging the competition. I am taking odds as to the difference in judging. It would have absolutely nothing to do with prayers or video taping or a drill master or whether the arranger is humble or not.
Make no mistake, I like “Smooth” Edwards but something has to be desperately wrong when the same two bands are switching first and second positions in the Panorama finals every year.
Reading the varying comments...regarding judging......then reading a comment our music ,our culture,..thought pan was an instrument....playing music...for judge...pan is now universal..panorama is al l over..interesting to see what will happen In August......really interesting.
merrytones, we never happy but we happy, GOD save we from we self.
Bring back de monarchy…God Save de Queen…lol
No one could have summed it up better than Maestro….ah lie???…lol
Do we really expect 'foreign' judges to judge panorama? Trinis who have resided abroad for over 30,40 years are considered (by locals) to be 'foreign'. They are even treated as such, and disrespected as such.
If there are competent 'foreign trinis' who have no allegiance to any band (and that is possible) couldn't they be considered as judges?
I have always mentioned Dr. Dawn Batson as a judge for panorama. She is a 'foreign trini'
At the end of the day, given the mentality of the 'fans', they still tief.
patrick, in T&T we have police and tief if yuh not ah police yuh is ah tief, end of talk. lol
Yes Val best comment on this never ending issue. Foreign judge, local judge, judge from Venus or Mars......same story. As long as people don't get the result they find should be, you will hear all kinda thing.....dey bribed by some sponsor or the other... which judge they saw in a panyard.... which arranger was seen talking to a judge (s) at some restaurant or the other etc etc. I say this as these sentiments were expressed on occasions when results were not suitable to some. Anytime they reach to foreign judges to judge OUR PANORAMA I home, with meh radio and TV off.
Gerard Clarke, You will make a good judge. we know yuh and wey yuh live so if we didn't like a decision we could always knock on yuh door. LMAO!
i agree