Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - British artist Jeremy Deller teamed up with Michelle Huggins-Watts, Trinidad's “First Lady” of the steel pan, on a project to bring more young people into steel band music. Their collaboration combined their very different skills to create a brand new, one-off performance and music event in Trinidad.
Jeremy Deller, speaking before the collaboration said: “For a long time I’ve been interested in steel bands. Trinidad is the home of steel bands so it makes sense to go to that place and see what you can come up with.”
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As a long time panist, contributor to the art form and panorama winning arranger, Michelle's is definitely deserving of respect, and worth considering for such accolades.
I am curious, who do you guys think would be most deserving of such a title?
There are quite a few ladies in pan who could also be mentioned in consideration for such a title.
Why is there need for a "First Lady of Pan"?
My suggestion is to add to the list fof five Female Pan Pioneers who were honored at the "Panwomen is Boss All-Female Pan Jazz Concert" at Eastern Credit Union La Joya Auditorium on July 28, 2013:
Bonnie Goddard,
Linda Baptiste
Merle Albino DeCoteau,
Michelle Huggins-Watts, and
Ursula Tudor
Please, do not start a new "pan competition"!