Imbert say the Government facilitating the development of the creative industry in particular music, film and fashion with an artiste portfolio development programme which will support artistes who are on the verge of becoming export ready by leveraging their creative talents on the WORLDWIDE MARKET. And he going and build an export ready academy to assist local artistes with producing, marketing and exporting their music. Plus he going and establish a live music district to provide a year-round space for live and musical activities.
All dem musical genius PAN MEN on the island will be taking their PAN TALENT all around the world to the biggest concert halls. And our MADE IN TRINIDAD MOVIES will be BOX OFFICE hits in England and Canada and America and Europe and Australia.
But I cannot dream SO BIG. I does dream small. How about ONE DECENT PAN CD that could gain some worldwide acceptance and get played on WORLDWIDE RADIO and TV and sell about 400,000 copies for starters. I see people do that with ALL KINDA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. And TRINIDADIAN know that the PAN is the GREATEST MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ever INVENTED. So WHY NOT?
"And as is customary with these consultations, not one of the recommendations offered will be implemented. We know that."
Thanks odw!!! And I thought that I was the ONLY TRINIDADIAN who understand that ... especially when I see all these high-brow formulas for TAKING PAN TO THE WORLD.
An OPINION piece from Newsday...2 days ago.
Problems going forward
We retain, as a matter of policy, all the ancient and archaic rules of legislation and governance that the British imposed upon us in Queen Victoria’s time. We remain blissfully unaware that Britain, and indeed our fellow Caribbean ex-colonies have long moved on and modernized their laws and their procedures to keep up with a changing world. Not us though. All of our enabling institutions are still bound under the dead hand of stultifying “procedures” which prevent anything from going forward. Cabinet must delay, review, amend, send-to-a-special-committee-for-recommendation every idea and proposal which could take us one step forward.
We cannot step out of mental slavery far less mental colonialism. Yes, we changed some symbols—our own President instead of the Queen’s Governor General—but we remain ponderously tied to the colonial paths to progress, and these are long overgrown and impassable. The overriding ambition for position, rather than effective leadership for the benefit of all, keeps our feet stuck in mud and filth as we raise our champagne glasses to toast ourselves.
The steep ladder to success, respect and wealth has long been replaced with a wide, fast escalator upon which many can jump and suddenly find themselves in penthouses and exotic gated communities. And it seems that many who hop on this quick ride have nothing to offer their country any more. Their riches, other than the homes they build, are invested elsewhere, “just to be safe, you understand,” and for every fast-food franchise, and every cup of Starbucks sold, the local “entrepreneurs” must send money back to America.
No understanding of the NEW (Digital) economy and how the revenue systems work. Facebook, Youtube, Spotify, Pandora, iTunes (Apple) Microsoft are profiting in the billions from the MUSIC. Why can't the steelbands capitalize on their music???