Now I am seeing the CIP appropriating the term without any acknowledgement or paying any royalties. I think we have a lawsuit here. Unless you want to give Aquil the rights to use the term in his battle against THE RIGHT HONOURBALE KEITH DIAZ.

Boy, Aquil so smooth I am thinking about joining the CIP!!! Ah feel ah getting brainwash!!!

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  • bugs: What happened to your script? Rolly Polly is still in his executive office and not in CLUB JAIL. College Boy is no longer testifying against the GANGSTAS. Doctor Dolly turned her back on the FORENSIC AUDIT. The luxury cars are still on the docks. Pan Players have still not been paid for their 2017 performances. And the October and December and February surprises never erupted into the mainstream media.

    PLOT DEVELOPMENT has come to a screeching halt and you still expect to get an OSCAR for your film; I doubt it!!!

    Trump is dealing with all the SMALL TIME GANGSTAS first. When he gets ready to deal with BIG TIME GANGSTAS then KEITH DIAZ is sure to get a call.

  • Aquil is cool.
    Rolly Polly has earned his gangsta title.

    Claude I'm surprised Trump has dissed ya boy Polly. He has reached out to every other gangsta in the world. What's up with that? Is Teefing the children Christmas money and 90 million in Pan funds insufficient to get a shout-out from Trump.

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