Trinidad just receive this big jump in international rating for PRESS FREEDOM but the CIP coming on this forum and trying to curtail FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Merrytonestothebone was such a prolific and informative poster in this forum for so many years. All of ah sudden the CIP come and shut the man down.
That eh right!!! Ah sticking with KEITH DIAZ. All the wicked attacks we have made on this forum against THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ -- the man took it in stride because he knows that this is ah OLE TALK FORUM.
How come the CIP cyar understand that?
Aquil, I not no celebrity, I'm just an old panman that will like to see Steelband on the road fro a few hours Carnival Monday with a Bomb competition.
I am not supporting any "war of words" with anyone, I find it juvenile and counter productive, I much prefer "shit talk" and laughter.
Cecil: You are the one who brought back all the gossip about who was saying what on some 10-member site that I have ZERO INTEREST in. I never see people desperate like the CIP to put their hands on that PAN TRINBAGO MONEY. I am going to run a personal campaign against them to make sure that they don't beat KEITH DIAZ.
Not that they could, anyway. But I am going to be KEITH DIAZ insurance card to ensure his victory next year.
Fresh off the TRUMP VICTORY over HILLARY that should be a PIECE OF CAKE!!!
Lord have Mercy!!! The CIP wake the devil!!! I hope they could deal. They let one stupid man imperil the whole organization!!! And I never call the man name ONCE IN MY LIFE!!!
Why alyuh saying the CIP wake the devil. that is Royce and Claud have they thing, CIP not getting in that. he invite alyuh onto our forum, that good, celebrities like claude, hinkson, merrytones, sala, and the crew will just make our FB page more prestige. if alyuh don't want to grace us with your presents we will be heart broken but we will live. But that lovers battle between MR. ROYCE AND MR CLAUDE leave the CIP out of that. is only one fight we on right now, Pan Trinbago executive must go. NOWWWW.
Ey Claude yuh eh bet yuh could talk plenty nah?...Yuh must be used to get plenty licks in school for talking...
Come back and lime, nah!!! Bugs and I and Cecil missing you too bad!!!
Boy I doh have nutten more to say about CIP...dey cyah convince me that they any different to Diaz and company...both parties campaigning in the same manner...but that is a matter for them both...not me and the politics...Look ah get an invite to a meeting in Arima next week Thursday in another post...Just Arima?...Where in Arima might I ask?...Dey could fool me that they serious?....steups...
Merrytonestothebone,let me apologize for the incomplete information,probably this happened because discussion were being held on the ideal venue.
This has since been decide and we got the required permission on Wednesday.
Here is the updated info.
Thursday,4th May 2017
At The Arima Town Hall
Sorzano Street,
Merrytones, CIP is hopeful that Pan people as yourself, would help chart the way forward.
Like I said before CIP campaign is foremost about changing the present governance structure and policies,that you yourself keep griping about.
PS: CIP is hopeful that you to convince yourself that Pan needs to have a different conversation from what presently holds.
merrytones, the meeting is at the Arima Town Hall, Sorzano St. We trying not to let Claude know wey the meeting is, because it go be TROUBLE IN ARIMA............again.