PAN MAGAZINE By on May 28, 2019
"The first ever SoCal Pan Workshop is coming to Long Beach, Calif. July 29 through August 2, 2019. The workshop will offer four different paths, two for steelpan building and two for performance. There will be one path each for handpan and steelpan."
Beverley went to MARYLAND and WASHINGTON DC and she come back home real hyped up (country girl come to town) and start talking about how she going and TAKE PAN TO THE WORLD and make BILLIONS for TRINIDAD.
But all how I turn, I only seeing WHITE BOYS taking control of THIS PAN TING.
Everybody wanted to kill ANDY NARELL (white boy tiefing the pan) but with over 1000 PAN SCHOOLS in America now -- who allyuh think is going to be running GLOBAL PAN in the next 10 years?