C.I.P. says, any pan person upset that PT won the case against the N.C.C. is a traitor to the organization.
By Aquil Arrindell
Let me state that at no time did the Concerned Individuals for Pan (CIP), stand against Pan Trinbago (PT), for the action against the National Carnival Commission (N.C.C.). Those that were questioning where the money was coming from to pay lawyer fees when staff cannot be paid (a legitimate concern of Pan Trinbago employees), we were compelled to give them representation. We did not, at any time, oppose the move. Let the CIP give its take on the victory.
Injustice is injustice no matter where it comes from. We cannot want to accept injustice for others because we disagree with them. The members of PT were never consulted, properly explained to, or given permission to pursue this matter. Consistent behaviour of this disrespectful executive, since, according to them, 'The tail don’t wag the dog'.
Based on the little information any PT member knows of the case, we should have anticipated a Pan Trinbago victory. Simply because the Act of Parliament, which gives our interest group the autonomy to run its affairs, was violated. It would be foolish for the C.I.P or any other pan group to support any outside body such as NCC/PNM/UNC to just walk in and violate PT's rights. Similarly, we the members of PT should not allow any president to violate our rights. So morally, this is a PT (the organization) victory we all should embrace. Let us not be deceived again though. The president was never in support of this action. In fact, he said it openly at a northern region meeting in an attempt to embarrass Mr. Forteau, who, as acting president made the decision. The president blamed him and the other members of the executive for the matter. So all credit to Mr. Forteau as acting president, congrats, and shame on the president for trying to use this victory as a political tool to muster support for himself.
The president may have been right for not supporting such an action. If, for instance, you took your father to court for not giving you an allowance (even though you are a grown man), and you won the case? What do you think your father would do after he pays you what the court ordered?
Bandleaders, brace for the anticipated backlash from this action and as far as C.I.P. hearing, it is coming sooner that later.
Based on reports, NCC has been using the gate receipt money to pay Pan Trinbago's staff, rent and our very, very, hard working executive. The money ran out since June. In addition, NCC has overextended this courtesy and Pan Trinbago is now owing the NCC. It is now predicted that whatever small budget we get for panorama, the NCC would be taking back what is owed. We will definitely have one bleak carnival season because of our executive's actions.
In an interview aired on the news yesterday, the president alluded that the troubles that he was facing with our membership was a result of this case against the NCC. This is a lie. The CIP has been advocating change because of many issues, however, this fight against the NCC was not one of them. Bandleaders let us remind ourselves of our situation.
Bandleaders, ask yourselves
- Did the president violate our constitutional rights by not allowing, at the AGM, any motions as is, that were seconded to be voted upon?
- Do you have any say in the affairs of your organization?
- Did you get any opportunity to give suggestions during the year for 2018 Panorama?
- Did you get any opportunity to give suggestions during the year for the budget for 2018 Panorama?
- Was the mandate the membership gave in 2016, that was almost unanimously voted in favour of, carried out or even entertained by the executive?
- Was any explanation given by the executive for the disrespectful $500.00 which was given to our players?
- Were we not promised $1,000.00 for players in 2017 in an effort to stop pan people's protests?
- Did the person who made the above promise state at the last AGM that he did not make that promise and too, had no minutes to support his claims.
- Were we not promised that in 90 days, after the 2017 Panorama, an election would be called (to stop pan people from protesting)?
- Did the person who promised the above state at the last AGM that he did not make that promise either and too, had no minutes to support his claims.
- Did the president pay himself $80,000.00 after 2016 panorama, even though the Greens recorded a loss and at the 2015 A.G.M, the organization realized a 30-million-dollar debt?
- What are the terms and agreements of the contract of the financial advisor?
- Has the financial advisor received over 150,000.00 every quarter (every three months) in 2016, for advising us into 30 million dollars of debt?
- Is he still being paid now and how much?
- Where are the vehicles (an Audi and an x5) that Pan Trinbago's money paid for?
- Are we getting the money for those vehicles if we cannot get them?
- Is there currently an investigation concerning those vehicles (Fraud Squad)?
Do you think that as PT won the case;
- Junior panorama bands of 2016 will be paid?
- International panorama bands of 2016 will be paid?
- The appearance fee of 2016 will be paid?
- The contractors for the greens of 2016 will be paid?
- Are we still 30 million in debt and will this be paid?
- Are we still considered to be an organization that is insolvent?
- Would the president continue paying himself under $30,000.00 a month although the organization does not have the ability pay?
Is this true?
- STEEL PAN SENSATION… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- PAN DOWN MEMORY LANE … crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- PAN IN THE TWENTYFIRST CENTURY … crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- PAN IS BEAUTIFUL … crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- PAN IN THE COUNTRYSIDE… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- THE GREENS 2015, 2016, 2017… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- CHAMPS IN CONCERT… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- PANORAMA 2017… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- And mostly likely PANORAMA 2018…crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- The president cannot even keep order in a general meeting.
- Loss of control of the pan factory… Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- Invested over 25 million in setting up an International Steelband Association. Failed! … Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- The Africa Trinidad & Tobago Steelpan Development Company. Undisclosed sum of money invested... Failed! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
- The alleged attempt to defraud the government by the president, using his residence as the address for his friend to bring in a vehicle (supposedly for Pan Trinbago’s use) with Pan Trinbago’s money. His friend posing as a returning resident to avoid taxes. The same taxes which Pan Trinbago depends on for subvention every Carnival. This makes the President of Pan Trinbago an accomplice to a criminal act against the state of Trinidad and Tobago.
Loss of confidence in the Central Executive
- Both Tobago and the Eastern region has voted no confidence in the Central Executive.
- North, East and Tobago refused to sit at the head table because of their loss of confidence in the executive.
- Both the private and government sector as well as international organizations including the International Steelband Association (ISA) which was founded by Pan Trinbago, refuse to invest money and time in Pan Trinbago because of alleged corruption at an executive level.
I can go on and on.
The president really thinks that the majority of bandleaders are stupid, illiterate, forgetful and cowardly but the CIP says think again Mr. president. We have been educating our members for the past 8 months and what we have realized is that the majority of band leaders are none of the above. They were just not getting the information and when they do get it from the executives, half are lies. In his last interview, the president spoke of a 2% of the pan fraternity that did not support the case. I do hope he included himself in that 2% and excluded the C.I.P.
Bandleaders, stay on top of your game, continue doing what you are doing, and the few who haven't signed yet, make yourselves available and sign. The writing is on the wall with permanent marker and no case can take it off.
Document of Concerned Individuals for Pan
break dAT Statement dong fuh meh nuh...please////i thinking about it...de devil is any god exacting punishment
It's really quite simple Gregory...the CIP and Pan Trinbago are both preaching the same dogma. You both attack your critics in the same manner while offering no real new solution to the myriad of problems...You both continue to "look for love in all the wrong places"... Russel's Christmas wish was quite appropriate...
This is why I say dissolve Pan Trinbago and start afresh. The negative Pan Trinbago culture too strong and widespread. Merrytones, I agree. Same short pants!
Doh tell meh BERTEL GITTENS coming out against THE CIP ... well dey DEAD for sure.
The CIP pre- occupation with making Mr Diaz look bad could have a negative impact on them if they don't start making themselves look good.
Mr. Cecil good-looks runs in the C.I.P family. I did know we had to try. lol.
Mr Aquil, time is better spent building up self other than pulling down others.
I am not atall surprised that he still doesn't understand my comment...
Mr. merry tones, which comment? and Mr. CeciI, I need a proper foundation to build on. should i used Pan Trinbago's foundation? If not, i will definitely have to remove that weak foundation before i attempt to build anything. At least that my opinion.
Go back and read it...then think real hard...