It is a known fact that the greatest fear of a pan man is "No Panorama". Without Panorama, the panman fears he or she will be written out of existence. And because of this fear he/she is willing to suffer unimaginable cruelties. Like the battered-wife syndrome even highly intelligent people will give in to this psychological disorder.
For what it's worth...they are already being phased out of existence, represented by a Cultural organization calling itself a business and want to be a UNION. That's why they can't decide if they want to strike or have a boycott. The psychological disorder started with their identity crisis.
Black Stalin ~ Nothing Come Easy
They don't know their worth
Like they haven't a sense of value
They don't know their rights
Even that they cannot argue
Three quarters of a million people
Cannot get up and do something 'bout the struggle
But could plan for the next holiday
To fete their lives away
Dis Place Nice Lyrics by Anthony Emrold Phillip 'Brother Valentino'
Actuallly pan men do not fear 'no panorama' but it is the only forum for them to show their skills so they are willing to endure almost anything to participate.
but they are not afraid of standing up and being counted.
Actually all it takes is the band leaders to say no and there is no Panorama but the allure of money is a big part of the equation.
however if they feel they will not be paid their winnings then the 'fear' will suddenly evaporate.
Panmen could have a panorama of sorts on their own, they could perform on the track without going over the stage for the people and supporters with no prize money.
That way they cut out PT but still get to perform.
Wayne You are still describing a "fear" factor. They are afraid to make the change so they rather outburst, get paid after one year and go back to square one and wait one year before they get paid, make another outburst of exploitation and so it has been for many years. The real change intelligent folk are looking out for is after this Panorama 2017 and there will be one as usual whether the bands would organize themselves and form a new band organization raising funds both here and abroad. They could surprise themselves. But the real fear is giving up a lower platform for a higher one. Panorama is not the cause it is the effect but a negative effect on pan players but they are willing to accept such negativity because they are unsure if there is another positive platform. Unsure is another meaning of fear.