Pan Times: This film (CALYPSO DREAMS) premiered at the MILL VALLEY FILM FESTIVAL (Marin County) on October 7th, 2003 and I attended that premiere which was followed by a CALYPSO SHOW at a LOCAL CLUB. Crazy and Superior and Rose and some other calypso singers performed along with Bonnie Rait who is from MARIN COUNTY. The producers of the show (Geoffrey Dunn and Michael Horne) lived out here at the time, down the peninsula (I think) so they made the MARIN CONNECTION.
That was also the same night that Arnold Schwarzenegger won the special election to become GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA.
One of the best CARNIVAL DOCUMENTARIES I ever saw also premiered in 1978 at that FILM FESTIVAL. But I was never ever able to track it down again and I eventually forgot the name of the documentary.
The AGENDA behind this film was to capture some of the OLD CALYPSONIANS (for posterity) before they died. It would be interesting to look at the FILM again today with the perspective of seeing who is still alive and who is dead.
And the Trinidad Movie "OBEAH" was actually featured at the CASTRO THEATRE as part of the SAN FRANCISCO FILM FESTIVAL -- complete with a review in the San Francisco Chronicle. I don't remember what year (probably the late EIGHTIES).
Pan Times: This film (CALYPSO DREAMS) premiered at the MILL VALLEY FILM FESTIVAL (Marin County) on October 7th, 2003 and I attended that premiere which was followed by a CALYPSO SHOW at a LOCAL CLUB. Crazy and Superior and Rose and some other calypso singers performed along with Bonnie Rait who is from MARIN COUNTY. The producers of the show (Geoffrey Dunn and Michael Horne) lived out here at the time, down the peninsula (I think) so they made the MARIN CONNECTION.
That was also the same night that Arnold Schwarzenegger won the special election to become GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA.
One of the best CARNIVAL DOCUMENTARIES I ever saw also premiered in 1978 at that FILM FESTIVAL. But I was never ever able to track it down again and I eventually forgot the name of the documentary.
The AGENDA behind this film was to capture some of the OLD CALYPSONIANS (for posterity) before they died. It would be interesting to look at the FILM again today with the perspective of seeing who is still alive and who is dead.
And the Trinidad Movie "OBEAH" was actually featured at the CASTRO THEATRE as part of the SAN FRANCISCO FILM FESTIVAL -- complete with a review in the San Francisco Chronicle. I don't remember what year (probably the late EIGHTIES).
Kaiso!!! Preach!!!