Guardian June 22, 2021
"Devine, a self-taught musician penned over 600 songs in his career, writing for well-celebrated calypsonians like the Mighty Sparrow, Baron, and The Mighty Trini. The familiar sweet soca songs performed by such calypsonians included the infectious Sailfish, Doh Rock it So, and Curry Tabanca."
"But with Devine, there were no barriers, when it came to recipients of his craft, as he was also responsible for a young Machel Montano’s soca sing-along—Too Young to Soca and even lent his gift of composing to the gospel fraternity, penning God is Love, for ‘gospelypso’ artiste Sean Daniel.
His writing style would switch from an upbeat tempo to the penmanship of social and political commentary like Capitalism Gone Mad, sung and performed by the Mighty Sparrow, who benefited from Devine’s writing talent for 17 years."