With all the young people graduating from college in Trinidad and Tobago every year I find it incredulous that the national news papers in Trinidad and Tobago could not find one deserving graduate to write a weekly column about Trinidad Pan issues. Instead they went to some foreigners, this being ongoing for several years.
So in this regard can CIP please consider empowering our youth by having one or more of the young people publishing a column right here on WST.Forum. Just look at WST series with Women. Lots of brilliant young people.
Also can CIP release a weekly press release "CIP News" on your accomplishments, ideas, hiccups whatever. The pressure or knowledge of having to produce a weekly press release will keep your organization on its toes. In addition to gaining the respect of the pan community.
Brilliant idea bugs. I don't see why not. In fact we have be putting out article every week since we started. some times direct from the CIP or article we support e.g. DON'T BLAME DIAZ. we don't want saturate the media with to much information at a time, so it is manage. but getting young people to write articles is a very good idea.
Aquil: Where have you been? Yuh let Oswald Alexander take all the heat and now that everything cool down you coming back on the scene.
Bugs that brings us back to why CIP is appealing to others to help broaden the talent pool,but there are somethings
in the works already...... but in trying to be transparent,we have to seek the input/ blessings of the majority.
Thanks again Bugs.....keep it coming.
bugs: Ah want to tell you a little secret on this forum and I hope that NOBODY ELSE doh hear it. Oswald Alexander dropped a little anecdote on the forum with very far reaching implications and PAN-SOCIAL significance.
Here it is:
On Friday,a well known bandleader/arranger approached me inside a bank and said "Ossie I eh signing allyuh petition,I eh taking no sides,whoever is the Executive,I going with dem"....I said, "I understand why yuh thinking so,you already get paid all your ICP money,while other bands are owed,so you don't have a problem"....Now this is a person who took me on some of his bands gigs in foreign,and I invited back home to arrange for a band,so we are fairly close.
When you read that little episode with a conscious Trinidad Mind -- the whole story is told. And that story is that the CIP will never ever ever get the broad based support to take control of PAN TRINBAGO. The Steelband community is too small and too stuffed together and too loaded with loyalties (friends, family, school mates, play mates, favor granting mates) for most people to take the risk of taking sides and alienating allies -- just like that.
Read that little report very analytically and you will come to realize that the CIP is dead before KEITH DIAZ even call his soldiers to the battlefield. Oswald Alexander should go ahead and set up the website like I suggested (no politics) and just bide his time until KEITH DIAZ go back to the HOSPITAL and then he could make his move. All the while pumping anti-Keith Diaz propaganda on a weekly basis from the front pages of his "newspaper".
Yes Claude I did so intentionally and I am happy that you expanded on it.....except I don't know where the "take control of Pantrinbago" drop from....
This one have me more confused that PT Execs trying to figure out CIP.
"Oswald Alexander should go ahead and set up the website like I suggested (no politics)".
NO POLITICS Claude....yuh sure?
This is on the button....
"The Steelband community is too small and too stuffed together and too loaded with loyalties (friends, family, school mates, play mates, favor granting mates) for most people to take the risk of taking sides and alienating allies -- just like that."
Yes Claude,Diaz is a very likable and rootsy person,he is so likeable that he got someone to also run against him in the last election,so as to split the votes.
I also don't understand why the fixation with Keith Diaz,when so much more positive can be done with a great website.The issues confronting PanTrinibago is much larger than Diaz.
Ah think ah rather Bugs suggestions,if you don't mind.
Bugs good question and ideas to move forward, the reality is in the Mecca you have over 40+ license radio stations and not one dedicated to pan 24/7, how do you build community support? Another solution as suggested before, building your website and growing your presence, a YouTube channel or podcasting (the practice of using the Internet to make digital recordings of broadcasts available for downloading to a computer or mobile device). Competition in the print media for space can be challenging.
Like you described the role WST plays in empowering our youth, CIP can make the call to WST, its an OPEN forum with FREE access, a weekly column with broad readership, globally. When Steel Talks is the most comprehensive steelband web site on the internet.
Excellent idea Bugs, for now let then just make a post once a week.
odw, no radio station in the Mecca will run pan music 24/7 there in no interest in it so sponsorship will be non existant. Now if they build up Carnival Monday for the steelband this will change peoples attitude toward the steelband, creating an opportunity for such a station.
Cecil: Explain to me how "if they build up Carnival Monday for the steelband this will change peoples attitude toward the steelband creating an opportunity for such a station" -- I will take the long answer!!!
That PAN ON THE ROAD FOR CARNIVAL SHIP sail away from Trinidad when THOUSANDS of PAN MEN left the shores -- never to dock in PORT-OF-SPAIN again!!!
Today people hear bands playing one song, to come on the road they will have to learn more music, thus exposing them to other music, what is being done here is creating an appetite, this is what's needed to have a pan radio station 24/7. I'll leave the long answers for you.
bugs: Ah riding on your bandwagon. (Ah hope CIP have money to pay CONSULTING FEES!) Excellent suggestion. In addition to that they could build their own website under a name along the lines of a GLOBAL STEELBAND INITIATIVE. They could put up one musical product for sale and one other local product that might appeal to EXPATS and they could offer a STEELBAND available for INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCES. The two products (music and local) will allow them to start building a GLOBAL FAN BASE (an automatic database). There are more things they could do to attract attention but I will stop there for now. And, of course, your suggestion for the PAN NEWS COLUMN could fit right smack on the front page of that website along with the LOCAL NEWSPAPERS and WST.
The first thing I would do is hire a marketing agent (someone who has access to social and business circles) and start getting sponsors to fund this project. (Of course they cannot go drinking rum with the money once they get it!!!)
So much they could do!!! But why no column as yet with all the thousands of graduates? LACK OF ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS -- how many times have I said that!. And I am sure that LACK OF ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS is going to KILL THE CIP also.