Pan people , I cannot get over what a master stroke it was by the powers that be , to encourage Pan Trinbago to change from a union to a corporation , completely neutralizing their potential political power.
I mean , as a union , they could have run the same businesses i.e. panorama etc. that they do as a corporation.
But as a union they could also legally call for strikes and demonstrations.
Can you imagine what would happen if a progressive , politically active union called Pan Trinbago was to call for a strike or demonstration in Port of Spain over any issue?
That would tie up town for that day and businesses would surely be affected.
And government would be forced to respond.
Someone convinced them to give up that power.
Now I'm not one for conspiracy theories , but I wonder why ?
They sabotaged and diminished the value of the organization by diluting the power of a trade union. Completely different dynamics involved with a Trade Union versus a Corporation, for profit, or not... ;-)