Many people on this forum think that I LOVE KEITH DIAZ. Some people even think that I get paid by Keith Diaz to praise him as the GREATEST POLITICIAN in the world -- on this forum. But none of that is true. I just love politics -- always have my whole life!!! So watching the political skills displayed by KEITH DIAZ over the years, I was left with no choice but to praise the man for his POLITICAL ABILITY. I have to give JACK HIS JACKET.
But now the CIP is mad at me because I am not singing the praises of their political skills. What political skills when compared to THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ?
So today I will be blunt and tell it like it is!!! The CIP cannot take down Keith Diaz!!! The CIP does not even have a POLITICAL DEFINITION. And KEITH DIAZ is about one thing and one thing only: POLITICS.
Furthermore, Mr. Gregory Lindsay, you would be a fool (A BIG FOOL) to trust ANYONE who served in the KEITH DIAZ administration. This is a struggle for POLITICAL POWER and MONEY and let us not try to disguise it as ANYTHING ELSE. So wolves in sheep's clothing abound!!!
The PAN MEN could swallow that ADVOCACY nonsense -- BUT THIS IS POLITICAL WAR!!! So either DECLARE WAR on KEITH DIAZ or shut down the CIP!!!
That ONE MARCH you organized paid big dividends!!! Go back to the well and start organizing some marches -- especially one to coincide with the April 27th court decision. The TRINIDAD MEDIA is heavily on your side; you just need the right, sincere political advisors beside you.
Mr. Gregory Lindsay: Six months from now I want to be coming on this forum and calling you (GREGORY LINDSAY) the GREATEST POLITICIAN I have ever seen. The man who ousted THE GREAT KEITH DIAZ.
I cannot wait to address you as THE RIGHT HONOURABLE GREGORY LINDSAY!!! But you have to slay the dragon first!!!
merrytones, wah kinda trouble going on here? the man said that he was one of your students.
I know who he thinks he is talking to... He doesn't know me atall...
merrytonestothebone: I have to reassess my relationship with you on this forum now that your true identity has been revealed. Yuh tell meh yuh was too young to be with the NATIONAL STEELBAND and now yuh saying that yuh was too young to be part of the Randy Burroughs Flying Squad.
But Aquil outed you as ah OLE POLICE!!! No wonder yuh refuse to sign the petition and go to the meeting.
Stop hiding behind that merrytonestothebone sobriquet and come on the forum with your REAL NAME!!!
Just tell him your first name is NOT Kendal...but you represent great traditions of Diego Pan history.
Not me ODW...Let him figure out who I am for himself...All I am interested in is what is the CIP's prescription for Pan going forward...And no!!...Ah not attending no meeting...Tell us here...because is not only I want to know...
merrytonestothebone: Aquil look like ah sincere PAN LOVING MAN ah doh know why yuh getting so contrarian with the man when all he is trying to do is to state the case for the CIP!!!
Nobody eh have no prescription!!! This is a WORK IN PROGRESS.
merrytones did you arrange this tune?
No...Kendal Lewis did...