Newsday Feb 5, 2022

TUCO president Ainsley King said he initially had a budget of $950,000, just for prize money, which was an already reduced budget based on the earlier announcement that the NCC was working with a $25-$30 million budget.

Pan Trinbago president Beverley Ramsey-Moore said her budget was $8 million, while TTCBA president Rosalind Gabriel had a $3 million budget.

King said the thought of reducing his budget again was not a positive thing.

“I will stand optimistic. If it’s one time for corporate TT to extend to the special interest groups is now. Whatever little help will be welcomed.”

Like King, Ramsey-Moore said she will be reaching out to corporate TT for assistance. She said she was given a proposal of less than $4 million to cover Pan Trinbago’s events. With a budget of over $4 million specifically for large steelbands, she said it will be difficult to put on an excellent show at the reduced cost.

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