All yuh HOPE!!! Allyuh yuh EFFORT!!! All yuh DREAMS!!!
And the whole thing turn OLE MAS with a set of corruption, maladministration, and now SECRECY!!!
Ah hope yuh have some LONG GENES to survive the NEXT THREE YEARS (two and a half) and then you still have to wait for the NEXT ADMINISTRATION to clean up the last administration.
Ah want you to stay away from drugs, alcohol, and loose women -- so that you could live a long enough life to SEE PAN PROGRESS ... that should start somewhere around 2021.
I still have about 15 more years left in my tank -- so ah hoping to see a 78 year-old man become president and A PAN STAR from TRINIDAD appearing at major concert halls around the world.
But you know they say: YOU LIVE IN HOPE and YOU DIE IN DESPAIR!!!
These are some of the PAN PARASITES (people) who advocated change...
They now embrace EXCHANGE (silently)!
The fellah second from right is a VISIONARY.
He thought that he was talking about KEITH DIAZ but that placard applies to BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE more so than KEITH DIAZ.
BEVERELY hired about 15 CONSULTANTS to MARKET PANORAMA and she pay them MILLIONS (to tell people PANORAMA COMING -- imagine that). And then she turn around and tell the PAN PLAYERS that she have NO MONEY to PAY THEM for 2018 or 2019 or 2020!!!
The woman on CNN just say that this is the most DISHONEST and CORRUPT administration she has ever seen -- ah doh know if is TRUMP or BEVERLEY she talking about. But that is like flipping a coin that have TAIL on BOTH SIDES.
I feelin sorry for mehself, these people seem to be contented wiith the way things are. I could never have confidence with any Trini organization that don't see value in organizing steelbands for carnival.