Cecil:Those are the TWO MOST CRITICAL JOBS in the ORGANIZATION; since they both could bring in considerable revenue with the right appointments. That PAN TRINBAGO PLATFORM has a lot of UNUSED POTENTIAL -- but it just CANNOT BE ABOUT PANORAMA ONLY.
And BEVERLEY should set up a meeting with JUNIA REGRELLO because I heard him say something (which I reprinted on THIS FORUM) that tells me he could play a BIG ROLE is giving BEVERLEY some good direction. I am still of the opinion that she is TOO BIG in her OWN MIND to take INPUT from anybody.
If she refuses to REPLACE DANE she should at least make him call up MICHAEL C SMITH from BOSTON and ARTHUR TRAVERSO from NEW YORK and let him get some EXTERNAL IDEAS. And that is just TWO EAST COAST CONNECTIONS -- so you know what a big challenge that JOB IS if EXTERNAL means GLOBAL.
Unfortunately, PANORAMA START YESTERDAY!!! So that SUBMARINE eh coming up to the surface until about MARCH. That is a REAL ROUGH BANDWAGON for me to SIT DOWN QUIET ON, BOY!!!
Everybody looking at the HALF FULL GLASS and quite SATISFIED!!! Well, at least GREGORY LINDSAY wake up again -- so ah HAPPY FOR THAT!!!
How yuh rushin sooo, ah put in yuh application and it is presently under review. so yuh have to be nice to the pres. for ah few months and we'll see what happens.