At the end of this POLITICAL UPHEAVAL, either the FORTEAU FACTION or the KEITH DIAZ FACTION will continue to run PAN TRINBAGO. And their main concern has been demonstrated over the last decade: STEAL AS MUCH AS YOU CAN from the Government Funding and PANORAMA GATE.

Old Men with old habits!!! However, they are the ones who PAID THE PRICE for PAN to reach where it is today; so you cannot really sit in FOREIGN and dictate to them how to run their organization.

So the best thing that you can do is do like merrytonestothebone and go play with your grandchildren. I really think I want to put some dark energy into shining a light on the crime scene in Trinidad. When they beat, choke and kill a 93-year-old man in his house and nobody got a word to say or a murderer to arrest and I have such a historical understanding of exactly how this crime scourge was germinated and nurtured -- ah feel ah have to make a statement to the WORLD on that.

But just like how we scream for PAN PROGRESS on this forum for years only to see the same old recycled players still in charge -- it doh matter what I say or do the CRIME SCENE will only get more vicious and widespread. And to think that it is all politically orchestrated -- HOW HEARTLESS!!!

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  • Pan Trinbago has to much BAGGAGE.....

  • Claude, Pan will progress when all them corrupt old thieves are out of the picture. Today I am trying to convince young people to start a new movement, why should they wait for PT to get their shit together? they have the power to start a new ting.

    • All you need is THREE GOOD PEOPLE!!! Ah just sent an email to AQUIL ARRINDELL and made that same suggestion to him. Forget all that PAN TRINBAGO STUPIDNESS and form your own organization with some young people. Rome wasn't built in a day; and it is time for some INDEPENDENT PAN PROGRESS without stretching hands out to the GOVERNMENT!!!

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