How we got from a kingdom of brass to where Carnival has been effectively dehorned offers as an uncannily accurate guide to where today’s festival is going.

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  • The first thing they have to do about the Carnival in Trinidad is make it mandatory that all bands cross the stages Downtown and in the Savannah, failure to comply should be made to pay a hefty fine, you just cannot have bands boycotting the main stages.

    • Oh I so agree with you.

  • The bottom line, Trinidadians are to damm lazy today to do anything for themselves. Oil money and handouts was the cause.

    • patrick, who benefited most from the oil money? From Steelband on the road to doom.

      • Mr BIG!!!!!

      • Cecil a tough question to answer.

  • The last paragraph in Mark Lyndersay article says it all.

  • Classism is at the core of all ills that T&T faces today, the VIP, ORDINARY VIP and ULTRA VIP is taking our country to the cleaners. THE SAD TALE OF A ONCE BLESSED PLACE.

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