At least KEITH DIAZ used to RIG UP some FALSE NUMBERS and present them!!!

But THE BEV so busy with TOBAGO PANORAMA outside THE BOX that she forgetting what she supposed to be doing IN THE BOX -- LIKE THE BASICS.

Untie yuh head nah, CECIL!!! Ah hear all dem LOCALS talking about CHAIN UP and I doh even know what that SLANG MEAN -- but ah feel like BEVERLEY really have YOUR HEAD CHAIN UP.

I hope ah use the SLANG RIGHT!!!

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  • Listen eh

    When I done internalize what I reading here in this Pan%20Trinbago%20Audit%20Report%202013-2016.pdf

    Document, and give my opinion hmmm...well lemme say this..transparency is what we voted, and so help me Almighy GOD.....transparency completely is what we going to get...and let me add this....I am following Chain of Command on that the NCC, the Line Minister, the Joint Select Parliament Committee, the Prime Minister, and all are properly advised as to how Pan Trinbago got to its financial position before the current administration..and how the current executive will continue to handle for this fiscal period the debt reduction under the existing MOA.

    No more skeletons in the closet to hang over the future administrations of Pan Trinbago.

    LEH WE DEAL WITH DIS ELEPHANT...AND DEAL WITH IT we doh repeat history...Doh be bad talking My President either.....and calling she no thief and thing like dat. That is simply not the truth. She and the team have done a great job over the last year. BUT NOW all of us the order of precedence all protocols observed, from Prime Minister to Pan Player, maybe advised accordingly how it is....where we going why Pan people hadda sacrifice and why it is necessary as the President has been saying all along..this ain't my first rodeo. I will trust in God but I will tie my camel....meaning I will trust what you as an executive are telling once it can be verified moving forward. Transparency is at the key of the Central Executive Mandate.....

    • Dear Gregory Lindsay,

      yuh is a fella mih blood take inno, and in Trinidad, yuh know that mean something. Yuh did go on de TV and say Diaz was transparent, if that was a mistake, yuh coming now an talking from both side ah yuh mouth at the same time saying doh bad talk de president, buh she opaque.

      Is all ah allyuh (men geh big wuk, some men band still crash etc.) who did bad talk de Diaz regime because nobody diden know hummuch dey did really making t(eefin). Now we know, that ah holier than thou former customs bigboy turned SNITCH, an doh confuse SNITCH with WHISTLE BLOWER, geh over $1 000 000 TTD in four years for what I chose to call SKINNING 'EE COCK , and Claude Gonzales godson the next SNITCH from south who does play more innocent than de virgin Mary collect ah cool $0.6M TTD+, but vex when Sheppard eat ah food. Dey shove you Gregory Lindsay up front although you got F&%K all from the kitty. I glad yuh jump out and call dem out too oui.

      If this president was worth her weight in gold, she wooda make it she business tuh ensure that a financial report for her tenure in office was presented to the membership, because her rise to office was predicated on the nontransparent nature of the regime she succeeded. That tells me that Beverley on stupidness, and the entire membership of the central and regional executives tagging along, because the freeness start already.

      Is the shittiest excuse I have ever heard for one's inability to follow through with an action.

      • Gotta keep them honest, NO BULLSHITTING...

    • Gregory: It eh have no CAMEL in TRINIDAD -- TIE YUH DONKEY!!!

      LAST SUNDAY was the DAY FOR TRANSPARENCY. That window close, now!!!

      We PASS THE PLEA DEAL stage -- this going to JURY TRIAL, NOW!!!

      There was NO EXCUSE for them not coming up with some REPORTS last SUNDAY -- that was their opportunity to be TRANSPARENT.


  • Auditors not working for free, they are owed $640,000. No financial report.

  • Beverley running PT like a LODGE, not ah man opening they mouth. I too want to know how much I costing for the medium finals in 2bago.

    • She running a TIGHT ship...Loose lips sink ships.
      Loose lips sink ships is an American English idiom meaning "beware of unguarded talk.

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