
  • Cecil like yuh get a promotion at WST boy…ah see yuh have a forum now?

    • merrytones, they could keep the FO and gie meh the RUM.

      • I'm in total agreement…save a straight for yuh pardner…lol

  • Mr Gonzales,

    I am beginning to resent the term "Your Forum" I am just one of the 12000+ members just like you.

    My hope is that ALL members realize that to become a member requires that you "be apart " participate in discussions, add new topics, try NOT to be a spectator. 

    This forum is not about any one person, to remain relevant we need the involvement of a larger cross-section of our membership.

                                                      It is "WE, NOT I"

    • Cecil: Nobody eh posting, boy. Unless you are prepared to start CUSSING OUT people on this forum you have to put your tail between your legs and read silently on the sidelines.

      What a travesty!!! BADJOHNISM still ruling in 2014 both in PANTRINBAGO and WST.

      • The forum will come into it's own soon, there are new people taking part is discussions these days pretty soon they will be posting their own topics.  The new blood is starting to flow.

        • So my blood too old!! Yuh lucky ah doh CUSS!!!

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