Cecil: Action galore!!! All kinds ah people expressing all kinds of opinions. I have to say that I LOVE IT and you should be recognized for your persistence in keeping these discussions alive.
As a token of my appreciation for your efforts, I will be honest and tell you that I did NOT LIKE the TIMBRE of Andy's presentation. Some of the pathways he took away from the melody threatened to be entertaining but they never quite hit the bullseye. And I think that he overcompensated with all that NOISY PERCUSSION trying to add a calypso feel in the background. Personally, I have always hated all that IRON in my PAN. On top of that the PANS (and the band) sounded NOISY.
So I am still left here asking: WHERE IS THE MUSIC???????
I like JESTON LETT too bad!!!
Again my Brother the forum belongs to WST, you are correct though, it's rocking. This is what happens when no one tries to own it and no one is cussin, I can't say if I've ever seen so many members sharing, keep it up people.
With this Andy thing, I am very disappointed with the management of Birdsong for putting their members through another year with Andy, I believe ALL those young players knew that they were going to run out of the finals and they stuck around and played for him, they should be proud of those young people, I am. As for Andy he must do some soul searching and realize that We Kindah Music is We kindah Music and we doh want no one to try and teach we anything about it.
Cecil: That fellah Jeston going to get me in ALL KINDA trouble on this forum, boy. Ah hope yuh feel sorry for me and come and defend me. That man and me have some similar views and he plenty braver than me. But if he decide to lead -- I following!
But most of the people who tackle could only take ONE SHOT and run. Dey doh have the stamina or the foundation in pan and calypso to go for the long run. Others, still, could only invoke MARCUS GARVEY and BOB MARLEY and NELSON MANDELA and TIM WISE and JESUS CHRIST and MALCOLM X ... ah sure ah leave out some other name drops.
Is like original thought is a SIN.