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On the subject of music styles , anyone remember the uproar when Sparrow sang ".Rose"?
He was virtually accused of trying to destroy the calypso art-form.
Kitchener even sang his disapproval "No more calypsongs".
Today , "Rose" is considered a calypso classic!
I admire Liam Teague's dexterity and quality presentations but, personally, I find his panorama arrangements these days to be very boring.
gerard greene Liam Teague did 2 panorama tunes with Silver Stars, maybe we should ease up on him for now, I think this year he did better than the last.
This from Aaron M. Ziegler thesis...
Liam Teague has been outspoken about his disappointment with the standardization of Panorama arrangements. In a 2012 interview with When Steel Talks, Teague discusses the lack of musical innovation as a result of arrangers’ desires to win the competition:
Let me categorically state that I am not an advocate of Panorama as a
competition. A very wise steelpan musician once said that, for many years,
Panorama has been breeding conformity rather than innovation. I totally agree.
Because arrangers are so fixated on winning this competition, many of them
have become reluctant to try and break new ground. They are hesitant to expand
their respective musical vocabularies and, to a large extent, have become
predictable. Panorama music is now being shaped mainly to appeal to the nod of
judges (many of whom, mind you, have never studied composition and/or
arranging, have never worked in the steelpan arena and, quite frankly, do not
possess the talent, expertise, and knowledge of some of the arrangers whom
they are adjudicating) rather than being created to stand the test of time, to
provoke the intellect and appeal to the emotions (objectives of true artistic
expression, in my estimation). Instead, we have language that was used in the
1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s, being regurgitated and, in some cases, being praised as
having innovative characteristics.
So, with the exception of a few arrangers who I believe will display the
kind of courage to go beyond the status quo, I would be very surprised if the
arrangements heard in 2012 sound much different to past years.
Having said this. I would genuinely love to be proven wrong.
While we are all sharing opinions today about panorama music and the appropriateness of Andy Narrell's choice of style, I choose to recall the year when Phase II placed last in the finals with "Musical Wine", one of the greatest pan songs and arrangements ever done by Boogsie. The reason given then? That the music was too much about jazz and that we were not ready for that kind of stuff on a Panorama stage. Nuff respect.
ODW, the score sheets of this era do not have a points break down of the listed requirements as the one posted, but an explanation of each with one total 40, 40, 10,10. Motivic and Melodic development and re harmonization did not state what the judges will be looking for on the old, but if you are an arranger you should know what they are looking for, but today they give an explanation.
You cannot handcuff or muzzle a musician and expect to get his or her best;.
No wonder why Jamaica is so far ahead of T&T when it comes to music.
If so,it maybe because no one dare go to Jamrock and tell them they need to jazz it up,or slow it down,or speed it up....they do it to please themselves,ask Buju.
As an aside,you should look up the name Nearlin Taitt,the man who dared to change the face of Jamaican music.
Here is a good read:
If everything these guys are saying is true then pan music will not attract an audience beyond the borders of T&T.