A newly formed agreement between local distribution company, HADCO and the multiple Panorama winner will aid in construction and development of the band’s physical space, said Skerritt in an interview with Newsday. The band and HADCO held a press conference yesterday to formally announce its sponsorship of the band, ending a 16-year-relationship with State-owned energy company, Petrotrin.

“One of the things that hurt us a lot is that we have been unable to develop our facility as we would like. One of things that resulted in that was the fact that up to now as we speak we do not have a deed. Therefore, when you talk development it has to be limited because you have to take into account, Town and Country and the other enabling agencies to approve.

We are hoping over the next few months to have a deed in our hands because our situation was approved since last year,” Skerritt said.

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  • Hinkson and Gonzales we know that you two are All Stars touts that always criticize Boogsie and The Phase. All Stars just recently got the deed to their pan yard and allyuh heaped much praise on them for doing so, yet allyuh running yuh mouth on the Phase for going that route. What kind of hypocrites are you two?
  • Trinidad real sweet yuh know. Dey begging for corporate money but they doh want the corporation name attached to them. What kinda steelband name is "PHASE II PAN GROOVE IN PARTNERSHIP WITH HADCO" ... doh call dem HADCO PHASE II.

    A BIG GENIUS MUSICIAN like BOOGSIE should be able to make CDs and have the world of radio stations and musicians playing and covering his songs bringing in MILLIONS in album sales and royalties; music all over TV and movies and millions of hits on the internet with music bands from all over the world calling him to do LIVE SUPER STAR performances on stage and in the studio. Enough money to support TWO STEELBANDS and buy land for them.

    Instead they still stretching they hand out to some corporation for handouts with some kind of  arrogant FALSE PRIDE.

    • As a matter of fact I think the naming arrangement is very progressive . Claude. 

      Corporations around the world sponsor symphony orchestras , dance groups etc. but only in T&T is the name of the sponsor included in the name of the organization.

      The Phase is on the right track with their naming protocol.

      Just because a company assists a band or an organization doesn't mean that organization  is owned  by the sponsor.

      In this particular area I think Boogsie IS displaying genius !

    • You got that right Claude.

  • What happens to the land if Phase 11 goes thru?

  • about time

     lets see if the private sector involvement will  make adifference

    • This is a good project for HADCO.

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