CIP’s position has not changed but the executive position and composition has.
By Aquil Arrindell
As the conflict continues between the membership of Pan Trinbago and the temporarily reinstalled executive, strategies are being executed mainly between CIP members and the executive. Each strategy has the objective to achieve an ultimate end result. CIP’s immediate objective is to get the entire executive out as soon as possible so that we can give another group of people the opportunity to move the organization forward. Our long term goals are constitutional reform and ensuring that there are policies in place to guarantee transparency, accountability, and profitability to all members and by extension, our nation Trinidad and Tobago. The current executive’s objective is to stay until October even if it means the total destruction of the organization and long term, to keep paying themselves big money until we are bankrupt.
The constitution of Pan Trinbago gave us one window of opportunity which was to get 60% of the membership to sign a petition which would give us a meeting to remove them constitutionally. To accomplish this, the CIP’s members decided that educating and informing our membership would be the only way to get those signatures and to get the pan fraternity to vote them out when the meeting was called. Different ways and means were used to educate and inform to get the petition signed. Some agreed with the methods while some did not. As strenuous as the exercise was, the CIP accomplished its mission. Now it is the right of the individuals of the executive, who the membership constitutionally ousted, to challenge that decision in court.
On the other hand, the executive’s strategy was to oppress the membership. Not allowing them to move motions at meetings, victimization of members, keeping us uninformed, feeding us misinformation, dividing the membership by speaking to our lesser intelligences of race, class, band categories and bands geographic locations. In addition, sticking to the uneducated and uninformed position of “if we get vote in for three years there is nothing the membership can do to get we out, so to hell with them”.
Lately, their strategy has been to tie up everything in court and say that the CIP is so hungry for power that they are riding with Diaz now. The CIP were asked over and over by Pan Trinbago’s membership to form a slate and still to this day we maintain that we are an advocate group and nothing else. There are members in the group who will be running for office but not as CIP members. We will encourage them because having choice is a good thing for the democracy of our organization. We the CIP, have differences in opinion among the personalities running for office but we are all in agreement with the things that need changing. We also agree that we will keep advocating for those changes. So the argument that CIP wants power is weak and as for our relationship with Diaz, their view is just as stupid.
The meeting on April 17th over 90 bands was in attendance, which was an unusually high, voted the executive out and installed the interim committee which was comprised of the treasurer, who is from Photo’s team and Mr Diaz, for the purpose of signing cheques. This decision was made by the membership of Pan Trinbago and not CIP. The executive and people on their pay role started promoting that the CIP’s endorsement of Mr Diaz proved that some deal was made. We, the CIP, made a statement on this matter already and our position has not changed. Our view still remains that The ENTIRE EXECUTIVE MUST GO.
The CIP’s opinion is that these utterances are just a distraction to keep the heat off the real issues but the CIP will remain focused on its mission.
Diaz’s position has changed. According to him, he recognises that the central executive has collapsed and it is time they all make way for a new executive. He is willing to abide by the wishes of the membership and will do whatever it takes to carry out their demands. On the other hand, the other executive members, position has also changed. Due to their greed and need to hold on to power at any cost, they are now rejecting the president that they supported for two and a half years without objection. As a result, PT’s composition has changed into two central executive authorities, none of which have any constitutional power without the other.
There are hard times ahead, even when we do finally get this executive out. The new executive has a huge task of cleaning up all the mess that they have made. However, we will cross that bridge when we reach there. For now, join the CIP on its call for the immediate removal of the ENTIRE EXECUTIVE.
CIP says is only love in the house.
Document of Concerned individuals for pan.
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Aquil: Yuh talking as if you have this GREAT EXECUTIVE TEAM lined up to take PAN ADMINISTRATION to HIGHER HEIGHTS.
DOLLY could pick the next administration!!! Russell could hand-pick the next administration!!! Aquil could pick the next administration!!! Hell, Christ could return and pick the next administration!!!
we not trying to run nothing pal.....
we just want the people who are elected to run it, do what that are elected to do.
Every time THE CIP sees a RAY OF LIGHT, they come on THE FORUM beating their chest about how they are going to RUN PAN TRINBAGO.
And the result is ALWAYS THE SAME ... 20 MONTHS and counting!!!
have some faith claude.
Remember, i got a new hour glass so it wukin good....
Aquil: Yuh talking as if you have this GREAT EXECUTIVE TEAM lined up to take PAN ADMINISTRATION to HIGHER HEIGHTS.
DOLLY could pick the next administration!!! Russell could hand-pick the next administration!!! Aquil could pick the next administration!!! Hell, Christ could return and pick the next administration!!!